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dc.description.abstractTarget of research for the mendeskripsikan of: (1) characteristic of activity of supervisor of study thematic elementary school of Donorojo I Pacitan; (2) activity characteristic learn in study thematic elementary school of Donorojo I Pacitan; (3) relation characteristic between supervisor with the teacher at study thematic elementary school of Donorojo I Pacitan. This Research type qualitative by using ethnography approach. This research is limited Supervision of Study thematic elementary school of Donorojo I Pacitan. Especial Data obtained from informan of like headmaster, teacher and other supporter medium. Method of collecting with the observation, circumstantial interview, and documentation method. Analyse the data in this research analysis model the interactive. Test the data authenticity used in this research is trust degree (credibility); transferability, dependability, and confirmbility. Result from this research is; (1) characteristic of activity of supervisor of study thematic elementary school of Donorojo I Pacitan have various its characteristic, what one of them that supervisor block in the study thematic elementary school is adapted for by curriculum and perceivable study planning so that by student of class I, II and III; (2) activity characteristic learn in study thematic elementary school of Donorojo I Pacitan have various its characteristic is which one of them that teacher conduct the activity of early especially to create the study atmosphere capable to push the student to focussed the self so that can follow the study process better and kondusif; (3) relation characteristic of between supervisor with the teacher of study thematic elementary school Donorojo I Pacitan have various characteristic, that relation supervisor and learn in execution supervise the this study thematic elementary school very good so that can be arrested quickly by student and water down the way supervision of study thematic elementary school of Donorojo I Pacitanen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.titleSupervisi Pembelajaran Tematik pada Guru di SD Negeri Donorojo I Pacitanen_US

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