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dc.description.abstractGenerally the purpose of the research is to describe the effort to acceptance new students management at the Vocational School of IPTEK Weru Sukoharjo. This research purpose related with the efford to grow animo amount the new student candidate at the Vocational School of IPTEK Weru Sukoharjo covers: 1) The design of new students acceptance management, 2) The strategy of new students acceptance management. The research method is qualitative method with ethnography approach wich take location in Vocational School of IPTEK Weru Sukoharjo. The source of data is abtained from informant, event and document. The informant in this research is the headmaster, the headvice of curriculum, the chief commite of new students acceptance, students, teacher and arounds people. The collecting data technique in this research is with interviews ways, observation and quotation of document contents. The research instrument is questioner that’s have contents about the information describe effords related with design of new students acceptance management and strategy of new students acceptance management. The validity of the data use trianggulation. The research result can be proposed as flow 1) the realized design for acceptance of new students at Vocational School of IPTEK Weru Sukoharjo has appropriate with the procedure and not break the realized low which have decided and appropriate students components has accepted. Whith the students approaching ways, resident approaching and industrial and enterprenuer world, 2) The strategy of acceptance new students management at Vocational School of IPTEK Weru Sukoharjo, realized with the acceptance new students commite establishment and than giving the jobs to arrange frame work, promotion, new students selection, and new student net working, and then opened early and closed last to complete already class.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectnew students acceptanceen_US
dc.subjectstudent roleen_US
dc.titlePengelolaan Penerimaan Siswa Baru di SMK IPTEK Weru Sukoharjoen_US

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