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dc.identifier.citationAbin Syamsudin.2000. Bimbingan Konseling. Bandung. Refika Aditama. Beni Ahmad.2008.Metode Penelitian. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara Budiyono. 2006. Statistika Untuk Penelitian. Surakarta: UNS Press Depdiknas,2004.Bimbingan dan Konseling.Jakarta: Dirjen Dikdasmen Depdiknas. Dimyati dan Mujiono. 2006. Belajar dan Pembelajaran. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta bekerjasama dengan Depdikbud. Ismail, bambang Triyanto.2012. Pedoman Menulis Skripsi:Sukoharjo.Univet Bantara Press Ismail. 2011.Penelitian Pendidikan.Sukoharjo: Univet Bantara Press Hamzah B.Uno.2012.Teori Motivasi dan Pengukurannya.Jakarta.Bumi Aksara Moh Surya.2000. Bimbingan dan Konseling. Bandung.Pustaka setia Nasution.2006. Metode research. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara Nurihsan.2003. Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling. Surabaya.UNESA Prayitno dan Erman Amti.2004.Dasar-dasar bimbingan Konseling;Rineka Cipta.Jakarta Rahman .2004. Pengelolaan Pengajaran Edisi revisi.Jakarta.Rineka Cipta Saifuddin Azwar. 2010. Metode Penelitian . Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar Sardiman.2010. Belajar dan Cara Pembelajaran. Jakarta. Rineka Cipta Subana. 2005. Dasar-dasar Penelitian Ilmiah.Bandung: Pustaka Setia Suharsimi Arikunto. 2006. Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi. Jakarta: PT. Bumi Aksara Sukardi, Dewa ketut.2000. Bimbingan dan Konseling di Sekolah.Jakarta: Rineka Cipta Sumadi.2011. Metodologi Penelitian. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada.Tohirin.2007.Bimbingan Konseling di Sekolah dan Madrasah, Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada Winkel,W.S.1999. Psikologi Pengajaran,Jakarta, Grasindo Zainal Aqib.2012. Ikhtisar Bimbingan dan Konseling di sekolah. Bandung. Yrama widya.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the research is to increase students’ study motivation in facing national examination class XII AP2 of SMK Negeri 1 Banyudono in 2012/ 2013 academic year through study guidance. Research procedure that is used action research for guiding and counceling by using 2 cycles. Through planning stages of action conducting, observing, and reflecting. Whereas techniques for data gathering were test and non test. The instrument for data gathering is try out items for math lesson, Indonesian, and English that should be done by students during the research conducting and observation sheet and for study guidance. The research result showed that through study guiding can increase study motivation in facing national examination for students by marked increasing students’ activity during study guidance, also increasing try out score that that is conducted during the students’ guidance from the beginning to cycle II by increasing the lowest score at 13.33%, at the highes score increased 18.67%, at the average score increased 17.33%.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectstudy guidingen_US
dc.subjectstudy motivationen_US
dc.titlePenerapan Bimbingan Belajar untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Menghadapi Ujian Nasional pada Siswa SMKen_US

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