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dc.description.abstract | The aim of the research is to increase the students’ activity in math learning
through Snow ball method on the main topic rectangle, cube, and cuboid.
Method used classroom action research. This is a classroom action research.
Techniques of data collection are observation, field note, interview, and
documentation. Technique of data analysis is descriptive qualitative by using data
reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusion. The research result shows
that there is an increase on students’ activity for learning math with the main topic
rectangle, cube, and cuboid through snow ball method. This can be seen the fact
that: 1) Students affectivity in giving questions before doing treatment is 12,82%
and at the last treatment reaches up 35,90%, 2) Students’ affectivity in answering
questions before doing treatment is 15,38% and at the last treatment reached up
43,59%, 3) Students’ affectivity in doing try out that is given by the teachers before
doing treatment is 33,33% and at the last treatment reaches up 92,31%, 4) Students’
affectivity in doing items in front of the class before doing treatment is 10,26%
and at the last treatment reached up 38,46%. | en_US |