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dc.description.abstract | This study wants to descride and give meaning the development of mathematics teaching
material at KTSP curriculum done by the teachers of Muhammadiyah Senior High School in Surakarta.
The data of this phenomenology research were collected by interview, observation, and documentation.
The sources of the data werw mathematics teachers, students, and document. Interactive method was
used to analyze the data. The results show that (1) the development of mathematics teaching material
was development by using the following principles: science, relevance, adequate, actuality,
contextuality, flexibility, holistic, consistence, (2) the steps of the development done by: identifying
competency standard, base competence, reviewing the same material from many sources, and (3)
Supporting and obstacles factors of the development of mathematics teaching material are from the
teachers, students, class climate, learning facility, and time allocation. | en_US |