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dc.description.abstract | Indonesia is one of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) endemic countries which number of inci- dent tend to increase in every year. Gagak Sipat is a village in Ngemplak Health Centre area which has high incident of DHF. The purpose of this research was to know the correlation between breeding place and public behavior and existence of larvae vector DHF in Gagak Sipat Village, Ngemplak, Boyolali. Type of research was observasional research with cross sectional approach. Samples of this research were 96 houses which were obtained with simple random sampling. Data were collected with interview and live monitoring at container. Data were analyzed with Chi Square test at level confident 95%. Result of re- search showed that there was correlation between breeding place (ñ=0,001) and society behavior (ñ=0,022) and existence of larvae vector DHF in Gagak Sipat Village, Ngemplak, Boyolali. | en_US |