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dc.contributor.authorSaputra, Sapta Dwi
dc.contributor.authorAstuti, Dwi
dc.contributor.authorFirnawati, Artika Fristi
dc.identifier.citationDjaja, W. 2008. Langkah Jitu Membuat Kompos dari Kotoran Ternak dan Sampah. Jakarta. Agro Media Pustaka. Notoadmojo, S., 2010, MetodePenelitianKesehatan, Jakarta, PT. RinekaCipta. Samekto, 2006, Pupuk Kompos, Klaten, IntanSejati SaraswatiR, Edi, S. dan Erni, Y., 2006, Pupuk Organik dan Pupuk Hayati, Bogor, Balai Besar Li t bang Sumberdaya Lahan Pert ani an, Badan Penel i t i an dan Pengembangan Pertanian. SNI , 2004, St andarKual i t asKompos. ht t p: //www. pul . go. i d/bal i t bang/sni / b u a t % 2 0 w e b / R S N I % 2 0 C D / A B S T R A K S / C i p t a % 2 0 K a r y a / PERSAMPAHAN/SPESIFIKASI/SNI%2019-7030-2004.pdf. Yuwono, D., 2009, Kompos, Jakarta, Penebar Swadaya.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe amount of trash continues to grow rapidly, while the sewage treatment capacity is still inadequate. The developing of alternative sewage treatment is still needed. This study aimed to deter- mine the difference of time, temperature, pH, C / N ratio and the levels of N, P, K in the compost. This study used experimental posttest design with control group. The populations were all the garbage leaves at the campus I of UMS which was 170 kg per day. For as much as 27 kg samples were taken. There were 3 groups, which were control, EM-4 and leachate group. Leachate was taken from Garbage Dump (TPA) Putri Cempo, Surakarta. Each group used 3kg of leaves and was repeated 3 times. Statistical test of this study was One Way Anova test. The results showed that there was a difference of time, temperature and pH of composting between EM-4 and the addition of leachate. On P levels there was not any significant difference of the compost between those with the addition of EM-4 and leachate, while there were significant differences of the levels of N and K. The average levels for compost with EM-4 addition were N (1.25%), P (1.44%) and K (0.97%). While average levels for com- post with leachate addition were N (1.17%), P (1.35%) and K (0.89%). The ratio of C / N of the compost with the addition of EM-4 and with the addition of leachate showed significant differences with p d” 0.01.en_US

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