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dc.contributor.authorSudaryanto, Agus
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dc.description.abstractSum up the resident of old age of Indonesia from year to year progressively mount in the year 2000 resident of old age of Indonesia about 15,88 million (7,60%) from Indonesia resident. Perhaps the mentioned will bring various consequence that is: economic problem, cultural social and perhaps complex health problem. Research survey with cross sectional is done by random sampling as much 100 people elderly in region work the Prambanan 1 Community Health Center at Yogyakarta. Appliance of data collecting by using questioner with Javanese language composed by 35 question item result of modification questioner compiled by writer which have trial at 30 respondents. Data analysis by using statistical program of computer SPSS, test the univariat and correlation bivariate between elderly perception about activity of construction of health of elderly posyandu with the participation elderly in activity of elderly lansia. Result of research show 43 % respondents do not finish SD, 17 % finish of SD and the rest of finish SMP, SMA and University. Responder age 55-69 years 64 % and the rest 70 years above .Working type most of respondent is farmer that is 49%, later then 10 % merchant, and the rest is the other works. Result of elderly perception show the score assess the perception between 62-81 by mean 71.72, from six perception category that is : benefit, resistance, susceptance, severity, control the health , strength of x'self and health status. Participate the elderly ( assessed with the attendance elderly in activity of elderly posyandu) ranging from 0-50 times horizontally flatten 18 times during one year from overall of activity posyandu 1 year that is 50 times activity (50 weeks). Test the pearson correlation was found that perception by significant relate to the participation of elderly in activity of posyandu r: 0,315 by p = 0.001. Conclusion from this research is the existence of relation between elderly perception with the elderly participation in activity of elderly posyand. So that suggestion given is the importance of giving better service and also enough information in supporting elderly perception.en_US
dc.subjectElderly Posyanduen_US
dc.subjectCommunity Health Centeren_US
dc.titlePersepsi Lansia terhadap Kegiatan Pembinaan Kesehatan Lansia di Posyandu Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Prambanan 1 Yogyakartaen_US

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