Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Daftar Pustaka
(UMS, 2013-07)
Pengaruh Kondisi Meteorologis terhadap Ketersediaan Air Telaga di Sebagian Kawasan Karst Kabupaten Gunungkidul
(UMS, 2013-07)
The objective of this study is to understand the influence of meteorological conditions of logva water
availability in karst area, Gunungkidul Regency. Meteorological condition analysis was determined by
creating ...
Pengaruh Penggenangan pada Teknik Budidaya Padi terhadap Infiltrasi dan Neraca Air
(UMS, 2013-07)
Flood events are often inundated rice fields and can cause flooding to surrounding areas (the lower reaches of the
river) should not be underestimated (just blame the rainfall factor alone), but should be seen also ...
Risiko Longsorlahan pada Lahan Pertanian di Kompleks Gunungapi Kuarter Arjuno Jawa Timur
(UMS, 2013-07)
The purposes of the study are (1) studying the characteristics of the landslide hazard level, vulnerability,
and capacity dealing with the seasonal plant farmland, and (2) developing the conceptual model disaster
risk ...
Pemetaan Kapasitas Adaptif Wilayah Pesisir Semarang dalam Menghadapi Genangan Akibat Kenaikan Muka Air Laut dan Perubahan Iklim
(UMS, 2013-07)
Tidal inundation, flood and land subsidence are the problems faced by Semarang city related to climate
change. Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)predicted the increase of sea level rise 18-59 cm
during ...
Kajian Bangkitan Pergerakan Transportasi di Kota Bandung Dengan Menggunakan Citra Quickbird dan Sistem Informasi Geografis
(UMS, 2013-07)
The objective of this study is to examine the transport movement generation in Bandung City by using
QuickBird imagery remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems. The method used in this research
is spatial ...
Pemodelan Persentase Tajuk di DAS Merawu yang Diturunkan dari Berbagai Indeks Vegetasi Data Penginderaan Jauh
(UMS, 2013-07)
The research was aimed at studying Percentage of Canopy mapping derived from various vegetation indices of remotely-sensed data int Merawu Catchment. Methodology applied was by analyzing remote sensing data of Landsat 7 ...
Pemodelan Tingkat Daya Pulih Masyarakat di Kawasan Rawan Bencana Banjir Kota Surakarta
(UMS, 2013-07)
This study aimed to develop community resilience velocity model after the disaster. The study is a descriptive
analysis using household survey of the flood victims. Total sample of 100 households in ten villages on ...
Dampak Variabilitas Hujan dan Konversi Lahan terhadap Sensitifitas Debit Aliran Sungai Citarum
(UMS, 2013-07)
The objective of this study is to determine the sensitivity of Citarum river flow to climate change and land
conversion. It will provide the flow information that required in the water resources sustainability. ...
Kajian Degradasi Ekosistem Mangrove terhadap Populasi Polymesoda Erosa di Segara Anakan, Cilacap
(UMS, 2013-07)
Segara Anakan is an unique ecosystem with lagoons, mangrove and lowland. One of biota living in
mangrove ecosystem is Polymesoda erosa. The species is valuable both economically and ecologically.
This study aims to ...