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dc.contributor.authorNoviani, Rita
dc.contributor.authorWijayanti, Pipit
dc.contributor.authorYusup, Yasin
dc.identifier.citationADB. (2007). Disaster Management, A Disaster Manager’s Handbook, Manila: ADB. Anna, Alif Noor, Retno Woro Kaeksi, dan Wahyuni Apri Astuti. (2010). Analisis Karakteristik Parameter Hidrologi Akibat Alih Fungsi Lahan di Daerah Sukoharjo Melalui Citra Landsat Tahun 1997 dengan Tahun 2002. Forum Geografi. Vol. 24, No. 1, Juli 2010: 57 – 72. Carter. Nick. (1991). Disaster management: A Disaster Manager’s Handbook, ADB, Manila. Cuny.F.C. (1983). Disasters and Development. Oxford University Press. New York. Davis, Junior R and Dirk J Bezemer. (2004). The Development Of The Non Farm Economy in Developing Countries and Transition Economy: Key Emerging and Concept Rural Issues. Greenwich: DFID and Natural Recource Institute,University of Greenwich. Davis., Ian and Satyendra S Gupta. (1991). Disaster Mitigation in Asiaand Pasific. Asian Development Bank (ADB). Manila. De Guzman, Emmanuel, M. (2002). Towards Total Disaster Risk Management Approach, ADRCUNOCHA-RDRA. DFID. (1999). Sustainable Livelihood Guidance Sheet. DFID. Ellis, Frank. (2000). Rural Livelihoods and Diversity in Developing Countries.New York:Oxford University Press Inc. Gordon, Ann. (1999). Non Farm Rural Livelihoods. Policy Series4. Chatham United Kingdom:Natural Recources Institute. Muta’ali, Luthfi. (2010). Tingkat daya Pulih Wilayah Perdesaan di Kawasan Rawan bencana Merapi. Yogyakarta : Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM. Peraturan Kepala Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 tentang Pedoman Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstruksi. Smith. K. (1992). Environmental Hazards: Assessing Risk and Reducing Disaster, London, Routledge. Undang-Undang Nomor 24 Tahun 2007 tentang Penanggulangan Bencana. Jakarta: Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana. Waugh.W.L. and Hy. R.J. (1990). Introduction to Emergency Management. in Waugh and Hy (Eds) Handbook of Emergency Management:Programs and Policies Dealing with Major Hazards and Disasters. Westport: Greenwood Press (pp.1-10).en_US
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to develop community resilience velocity model after the disaster. The study is a descriptive analysis using household survey of the flood victims. Total sample of 100 households in ten villages on the banks of the Bengawan Solo River, and is an area prone to flooding. Processing for data is using descriptive statistical analysis, correlation and regression, analysis of variance and factor analysis.There is a close relationship between the power recovered by a factor of assets, knowledge and long flood events. The two main factors affecting the dominant public resilience is a characteristic of a society of social assets, knowledge and natural assets. The second factor is the economic and financial factors, and long floods. The Resulted model level resilience  from the research is Y = 0.012 X1 + 0.118 X2 + 0.394 X3 + 0.079 X4 + 0.040 X5-.002 X6. which; Y is Power Restored (speed), Ownership Financial Assets (X1), Ownership of Assets Economics (X2 ), Natural Asset Ownership (X3), Social Asset Ownership (X4), Lama flooding (days) (X5), and Knowledge (X6). Further optimization of the acceleration of flood resilience of households to do with strengthening the ownership of assets, improving the capacity of communities and reduce the threat of flooding and duration of.en_US
dc.subjectpower restoreden_US
dc.subjectflood-prone areasen_US
dc.titlePemodelan Tingkat Daya Pulih Masyarakat di Kawasan Rawan Bencana Banjir Kota Surakartaen_US

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