Pemetaan dan Model Pengelolaan Longsor Lahan di Kecamatan Ngargoyoso Kabupaten Karanganyar Provinsi Jawa Tengah
This study is a study in year 2 in the Sub District Ngargoyoso Karangayar with the title: "Land Use and Land Management Model in Ngargoyoso Karanganyar regency of Central Java Province". The goal of research in year 2 is the control applications and determine the spatial models of land management to prevent the occurrence of landslides either land with vegetative engineering and mechanical engineering in areas prone to landslides are adaptive and in accordance with local environmental characteristics that have been mapped in I.
The method used in this study is a survey. The data required are the primary and secondary data. Primary data, among others; types of land management, both mechanical and vegetative. Secondary data, among others; map of slope, slope, soil maps and land use maps and data research in I. Sampling method by using stratified sampling with terrain unit strata. Methods of data analysis with overlapping stacking (overlay) maps and descriptive analysis.
The results showed 1) The model can be applied to land management in areas that have moderate to severe erosion rates include: vegetative engineering model, namely a dense canopy planting annual crops, planting shrubs and perennial grasses beneath. Mechanical model by making bronjong wire or bamboo, making the water drain (channel dodger / terrace), cliffs and building reinforcement trap-trap terraces. 2) Control and utilization of existing space in the study area based on regional characteristics and land erosion rates include: Utilization of space as a function of protected areas, buffer function area, the area function of annual crop cultivation, crop cultivation areas and settlements.