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dc.contributor.authorDiraga, Esaka
dc.contributor.authorSudiarso, Andi
dc.identifier.citationBuyukozkan G., Kahraman C., dan Ruan D. 2004. “A Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Approach for Software Developtment Strategy Selection.” Int J Gen Syst. 33 (2-3): 259-280. Chan, L.K., dan Wu, M.L. 2004. A Systematic Approach to Quality Function Deployment with a Full Illustrative Example. Colombia: University of Missouri. Daliman, A. 2002. “Peran Industri Seni Kerajinan Perak di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Sebagai Pendukung Pariwisata Budaya.” Jurnal Humaniora. 12 (2). Gargione, L.A. 1999. Using Quality Function Deployment in The Design Phase Of An Apartment Construction Project, USA: IGLC-7. Grehenson, G. 2011. “Budaya Seni Ukir Perak di Kotagede Terancam Punah,” diakses 10 Oktober 2011 dari Lee, A.H.I., Kang, H.Y., Yang, C.Y., dan Lin, C.Y. 2010. “An Evaluation Framework for Product Planning Using FANP, QFD and Multi-Choise Goal Programming.” Int J Prod Res. 48 (13): 3977- 3997.en_US
dc.description.abstractTalking about silver craft, it is related to silver craft made in Kotagede, Yogyakarta. Kotagede, the district that produce silver craft has a problem in developing their silver crafts itself. The quantity of silver crafts industries probably will build a competition, thus the quality of silver crafts products of each silver craft industry have to be increased. As the competition being better harsher. Satisfaction of consumers need to be increased by making the product quality higher. One kind of strategy to increase the quality products is by using Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method, that aimed to maximize customer satisfaction; and Fuzzy Quality Function Deployment (FQFD) that have been chosen because it was considered as a tool that fit to solve subjectivity problem. Fuzzy Quality Function Deployment analysis uses few programming approaches that combine unpersistent information and subjectivity that sticked with Quality Function Deployment process, to determine the design of House of Quality (HOQ). Results of this research are it was needed strategies to fix the quality products of silver crafts, such as: model innovation, motif innovation, technique of material combination, manufacture process, measurement technique, enhancement of creativity, technique of color combination, readiness of added material, and development of Kotagede silver crafts aids.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectQuality Function Deploymenten_US
dc.subjectHouse of Qualityen_US
dc.titleAnalisis Strategi Peningkatan Kualitas Produk Kerajinan Perak Kotagede Menggunakan Metode Quality Function Deployment (Qfd) Dan Fuzzy Quality Function Deployment (FQFD)en_US

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