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dc.description.abstract | The problems associated with plastic trash today the first is, the lack of the public
awareness to start to sorting of the household trash since it is the source of the trash,
and the second is the technical issues such as limited land and plastic trash processing
technology. For the first problem people tend to do trash originating from households
with the process collecting, removing and dispose of to landfill / polling stations, and the
more extreme is by disposing into the rivers, ditches, fields or vacant land. As for the
second issue, due to the limited land and plastic trash processing technology, the public
tends to destroy the trash by burned it. The main approach in this research is how plastic
trash that comes from households can be managed well so as it have economic value
and don’t destroyed by the burning process. So it need to designed packing / plastic
trash presses an effective technology tools. The result is the design and manufacture of
this garbage presses are energy-efficient, flexible, large capacity, simple construction
and easy to operate. Based upon the calculation of the pressure presses has exceeded
the yield stress of the plastic so it does not need to use a heater to help in the
transfiguration on trash compaction process. However, a solid cube of the trash must be
packed / tied so it will not scattered back. | en_US |