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dc.contributor.authorFirdaus, Alfa
dc.contributor.authorKholil, Muhammad
dc.identifier.citationBlank, Leland and Tarquin, Anthony. 2012. Engineering Economy. Seventh Edition, McGraw-Hill. New York. Heizer, Jay and Render, Barry. 2005. Manajemen Operasi. Edisi Ketujuh. Salemba Empat. Jakarta. Kusuma, Hendra. 2004. Manajemen Produksi; Perencanaan dan Pengendalian Produksi. ANDI. Yogyakarta. Thuesen, G. J. dan Fabrycky, W. J. 2002. Ekonomi Teknik. Prenhallindo. Jakarta. DeGarmo, E. Paul, Sullivan, William G., Bontadelli, James A., dan Wicks, Elin M. Ekonomi Teknik Jilid 1. 1997. Prentice Hall. Jakarta. DeGarmo, E. Paul, Sullivan, William G., Bontadelli, James A., dan Wicks, Elin M. Ekonomi Teknik Jilid 2. 1997. Prentice Hall. Jakarta. Raharjo, Ferianto. 2007. Ekonomi Teknik; Analisis Pengambilan Keputusan. C.V. Andi Offset. Yogyakarta. Pujawan, I Nyoman. Ekonomi Teknik. 2009. Edisi Kedua, Penerbit Guna Widya. Surabaya. Grant, Eugene L., Ireson, W. Grant, Leavenworth, Richard S. Dasar-dasar Ekonomi Teknik Jilid 1. 2001. PT. Rineka Cipta, Jakarta. Haming, Murdifin, S.E.,M.Si.,Ph.D., Nurnajamuddin, Dr. Mahfud, S.E.,M.M, Manajemen Produksi Modern; Operasi Manufaktur dan Jasa. 2007. PT. Bumi Aksara, Jakarta.en_US
dc.description.abstractPT. IRC Inoac Indonesia Rubber Goods Division, is one of the divisions of the Inoac GROUP JAPAN engaged in manufacturing rubber components for automotive and industrial parts. In 2012, a problem that often occurs in the molding division is some production machines often damaged and break down because of the age of the machine that is getting older, thus affecting the capacity of the machine. The study and analysis of the feasibility investment in machinery production based on the economic service life of these machines is very important in this case, especially rubber injection machine that already has a life that is quite old. The method used in calculating the economic life of the engine and determine the investment using the Net Present Value (NSB), Net Annual Value (NTB), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), and payback period. In addition, doing library research and field study. From the calculations carried out, the economic service life of rubber injection machine that is obtained economic service life 8.04 years, while the calculation of NSB, NTB, IRR, Benefit Cost Ratio, Payback Period gained rubber injection machine brand Jing day - Taiwan more advantageous when compared to brand Sanyu - Japan and Kuemin - Taiwan. From the results of this study found that the age of rubber injection machine Sanyu - Japan is not profitable for the company because it had passed the economic service life and has a Net Present Value and Net Annual Value minus, so it is appropriate for companies to invest in replacement rubber injection machines.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectPayback Perioden_US
dc.subjectRubber Injectionen_US
dc.titleInvestasi Mesin Rubber Injection Berdasarkan Umur Ekonomis Mesin Di PT.Irc Inoac Indonesia Rubber Goods Divisionen_US

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