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dc.contributor.authorSiska, Merry
dc.contributor.authorMorena, Yenita
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dc.description.abstractCV. Asia Bumi is one of the company that produces several types of products such as soy sauce (sweet soy sauce and salt soy sauce), vinegar, sauces (chills sauce and tomato sauce). These products consist of various kinds of raw materials used such as sugar, flour, caramel, fermented soybeans, salt, preservatives, acids, vinegar, chili parent (for manufacture of chills sauce), garlic, lipstick (a mixture of red lipstick and yellow) and others. The company is experiencing problems namely the lack of movement of labor standards and working conditions are not ergonomic. Ergonomics is intended as a scientific discipline that studies human beings in relation to his work. Observations made in this study to the respondents in a preliminary survey there are 6 (six) persons who served on the charging section is also shown as a percentage level of worker complaints, the percentage was explained that the states are not comfortable in doing its work with the existing working position This as much as 66%, bored with working conditions that states 17% and 17% normal. From the results obtained by size measurement and processing of high-filler tool 86.99 cm, 37.13 cm diameter filling equipment, filling equipment foot high, 25 cm and 68.68 cm tall desk, desk length 160.55 cm, width of work table 52, 39 cm and 31.92 cm tall office chair, office chair length 34.74 cm and 43.78 cm wide work chair.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectFilling Equipmenten_US
dc.titleModifikasi Stasiun Kerja Pengisian Kecap Yang Ergonomisen_US

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