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dc.contributor.authorAgustin, Nina
dc.contributor.authorPurnomo, Hari
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dc.description.abstractThe condition of physical workplace is being one of the most important factors in the macro ergonomic system. Clean, neat, well-arranged and pleasant condition will automatically bring good atmosphere in supporting working process. Time, raw material and space wastes can be eliminated in order to achieve better improvement in the working condition. A good principle or working condition must cover the cleanliness, the correct placement of the equipment, priority of safety process and assurance of the working process can be run efficiently and effectively. One of the tools to establish comfortable job atmosphere is by implementing 5S methods that is known as seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu and shitsuke. The method represents several phases in managing condition of workplace which impacts the job effectiveness, efficiency and working safety.This research is conducted to overcome the problem above. By designing a system with the basis of macro ergonomic especially participatory approach, the research will present ways to improve packaging workplace at CV. Valasindo. The purpose of this research is to analyze 5S implementation as an effort for improving working condition effectively. By using Wilcoxon non-parametric analysis for data processing, it shows that significant value p is 0,005 (p<0,05). The final conclusion shows there is improvement in workplace condition after implementing 5S methodology.The productivity of packing increases 12,5% from 434 unit packed (before 5S) and 488 unit packed (after 5S).en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectErgonomic participatoryen_US
dc.titleImplementasi 5s Pada CV.Valasindo Menggunakan Pendekatan Ergonomi Partisipatorien_US

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