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dc.description.abstract | Menopause will occur in every woman. Some women menopause in Tawangmangu said that
sexual activities in menopausal age were not important thing because they felt that they were
older people and the activities were not a principal thing. This erroneous assumption about
sexual activity in menopause age may cause anxiety. Purpose of the research is to know
perceptions of women about sexual activities that include understanding, cause, difficulty and
barrier, sexual perception, feeling, sexual myth, understanding of sexual activities, effect of
menopause on sexual activities. The research uses a qualitative method with
phenomenology approach. Object of the research is menopausal-aged women. The research
on sexual activities of menopausal-aged women was performed in 12 April – 12 May in
Jagalan Village of Tawangmangu. Data was collected by using in-depth interview, directed
group discussion by using MP4 instrument to record the discussion that helped by an
assistant of the researcher. Data analysis technique is content analysis by categorizing
verbal data for classification, conclusion drawing and tabulation.The understanding of
menopause according to menopausal-aged women was the cease of menstrual blood.
Causes of decreases sexual activities were older age and pain. Difficulty in performing
sexual activities was due to a fear feeling and pain. Most respondents believed in a myth that
sexual activity in menopausal age is not important thing.Based on in-depth interview and
directed group discussion, it can be concluded that 75% and 80% of the respondents said
sexual activity was not important thing and they felt anxious and afraid of doing it because of
older age, pain and it is not a principal thing. | en_US |