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dc.description.abstract | Nowaday, uterine cancer disease is still high in Indonesia. Higher incidence of this disease is
caused limited access to screening and treatment, lack of information, participation, and
community knowledge can lead to the prevalence of cancer continues to increase every
year. The results of preliminary research many nurses and society participated yet of
checking pap smear participation, where knowledge is still limited to the society, while the
nurse was not interested to pap smear. Purpose this study was to determine differences in
the level of knowledge and participation check pap smears among nurses with the society in
the district Sukoharjo. Observational studies using Analytic Comparative Approach with
cross-sectional design. The sample was 108 nurses women of childbearing age who are
married at the Sukoharjo Hospital and 108 mothers from all of community who had married,
and taking sample was using multistage’s sampling. The research data obtained from
knowledge and participation questioner pap smears. Analysis data was used Mann Whitney
U-test. The results showed that 56 nurses (51.9%) with good knowledge, while society was
less than 47 respondents (43.5%). Both of pap smear participation and community nurses
are still check yet are 62 nurses (57.4%) and 84 mothers (77.8%). The test results of data
analysis knowledge with community nurses obtained average 14.50, while community nurses
at 11.50. Test results with Z score = -6.527 p = 0.001, it means nurse's knowledge are better
than society about pap smears test. Test results obtained participation of nurses with score = -3.704 p = 0.002, conclusion is nurses in check better than society in pap smear
participation. | en_US |