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dc.contributor.authorBarita, Iskal
dc.contributor.authorZulaicha, Endang
dc.identifier.citationAstuti, Widhi R. (2008). Uji Efek Antiulcer Perasan Umbi Garut (Maranta Arundinaceae L) Pada Tikus Putih Jantan Galur Wistar. Surakarta: UMS. Badan vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi. (2002). Pengetahuan Dasar Gunung Api Indonesia. Bandung: Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral. ECC UGM. (2010). ECC UGM for Merapi Relief. Diakses tgl 10 November 2010. Gupte, S. (2004). Panduan Perawatan Anak. Jakarta: Pustaka Populer Obor. Kazzi, AA. (2005). Pharyngitis eMedicine.Com . Diakses tgl 19 Juli 2011. (http://www.emedicine.Com/emerg/topic.419.htm Lindsay, J., & Chris, P. (2005). Health and Safety Issues In A Volcanic Ash Environment. Diakses tgl 15 November 2010. McLaughlin, J. (2006). Health Effect Associated with Volcanic Eruptions. Diakses tgl 15 November 2010. Mubarak, Iqbal W. (2007). Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat: Teori dan Aplikasi. Jakarta: Salemba Medika. Ratdomopurbo. A, S. (2006). Prekursor Erupsi Gunung Merapi. Yogyakarta: Pusat Vulkanologi Dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi. Smeltzer, C.S. & Bare, G.B. (2002). Buku Ajar Keperawatan Medikal-Bedah Brunner & Suddarth. Jakarta: EGC. Sugiyono. (2005). Statistik untuk Penelitian. Bandung: Alfabeta. Wahyuningsih, Puji H., Ircham., Indriyani A., & Santi Mina Y. (2009). Dasar-dasar Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat dalam Kebidanan Perawatan. Yogyakarta: Fitramaya.en_US
dc.description.abstractMerapi mountain is one of active mountain in Indonesia that has experience eruption as many as abouts 6 times great eruption. On 26 October 2010 Merapi became meddle in eruption phase that has been throwing up volcano materials such as; volcano ash and hot cloud that often turned to Magelang. Particle and gas that consist in material volcano can make various respiratory desease, skin and sight. Srumbung Subdistrict is a closest area from Merapi mountain, on 20 November 2010 after eruption have registered 130 people that have examined their self to Srumbung public hospital. The purpose of this research is to know the description of society health problem between 3 month before and 3 month after eruption of Merapi mountain in the work area Srumbung public hospital, Magelang.The type of this research is descriptive with study documentation method. The technique of taking sample is by using total sampling. Method of taking data does with documentation data from Srumbung public hospital. The data which has been collected then analyzed with descriptive analysis.The description of citizen visit rate to Srumbung public hospital is decrease as many 16,12% between 3 month before eruption and 3 month after eruption. Whereas the description of society health problem which the most dominant at 3 month before eruption is acute bronkhitis. Whereas the description of society health problem which the most dominant at 3 month after eruption is pharingitis and infection of upper canal respiratory.Either 3 month before or 3 month after eruption of Merapi mountain, the society health problem in the work area of Srumbung public hospital which the most dominant is respiratory desease. But the difference of both are the respiratory desease which occure at 3 month before Merapi eruption is acute respiratory desease whereas respiratory desease which occure at 3 month after Merapi eruption is early of symptom respiratory problem.en_US
dc.subjectsociety health problemen_US
dc.subject3 month beforeen_US
dc.subject3 month afteren_US
dc.subjecteruption of Merapi mountainen_US
dc.titleGambaran Masalah Kesehatan Masyarakat antara sebelum dan setelah Letusan Gunung Merapi di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Srumbung Magelangen_US

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