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dc.contributor.authorPuspitasari, Cahyani Tri
dc.identifier.citationArikunto, Suharsini. 2002. Prosedur Penelitian. Jakarta. Arikunto, 2006. Prosedur Penelitian Pendekatan Suatu Praktik. Jakarta:Salemba Medika. Arnisam, 2007. Hubungan Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah Dengan Status Gizi Anak Usia 6-24 bulan. Universitas Gadjah Mada: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, 2007. Asrining S, Handayani Siti,dkk. 2003. Perawatan Bayi Resiko Tinggi. Jakarta : EGC. Departemen Kesehatan RI-UKL-Perinatologi IDAI-NNH-JHPIEGO. 2001. Buku Panduan Managemen Masalah Bayi Berat Lahir Untuk Dokter,Pawat,Bidan di Rumah Sakit. Kosim MS,Surjono A. Jakarta. Depkes RI, 2002. Pedoman Umum Gizi Seimbang ( Panduan Untuk Petugas ). Jakarta:Depkes. Farrer H, 2001. Buku Perawatan Maternitas. Edisi 2.Jakarta:EGC. Haksari, 2009. Implementasi Perawatan Bayi Lekat di Rumah Sakit dalam seminar FK UGM - Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta : Yogyakarta. Hidayat, A.A. 2003. Riset Keperawatan & Teknik Penulisan Ilmiah. Surabaya:Salemba Medika. Nursalam, 2003. Metodologi Penelitian Kesehatan. Salemba Medika. Yakarta:Salemba Medika. Prawirohardjo, Sarwono, 2002. Ilmu Kebidanan. Edisi Tiga Cetakan Keenam : Jakarta. Prawirohardjo, Sarwono. 2002. Pelayanan Kesehatan Maternal dan Neonatal. Jakarta. Prawirohardjo, Sarwono, 2005. Ilmu Kebidanan. Jakarta. Prawirohardjo, Sarwono, 2007. Ilmu Kebidanan . Jakarta. Suradi R, 2005. Termoregulasi Pada Bayi Prematur . Kongres Perinansia Bandung. Suryatni. 2003. Faktor Resiko Kematian Neonatal dini Pada Bayi Berat Lahir rendah di RSUD Pekanbaru. Universitas Gadjah mada:Fakultas Imu Kesehatan Masyarakat. Syaifudin AB. 2000. Buku Panduan Pelayanan Kesehatan Maternal dan Neonatal . Jakarta : YBPSP. Wahyu,Yustina Candrayanti, 2005. Meneliti Tentang Beberapa Karakteristik Ibu Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian Berat Badan Lahir Rendah (BBLR) Di RSUD Banjarnegara Maret 2005. WHO. 2002. Program Kesehatan Anak Dan Remaja 2. tanggal 14 April 2007. Wiknjosastro, Gulardi, 2008. Asuhan Persalinan Normal. Jakarta. Wiknjosastro, 2005. Buku Ilmu Kebidanan edisi Ketiga Cetakan Ketujuh. Jakarta: Pusat Yayasan Bina Pustaka Sarwono Prawiroharjo. Wong D.L. Wilson. Marilyn, 2008. Buku Ajar Keperawatan Pediatrik. Jakarta :EGC.en_US
dc.description.abstractLow birth weights (LBW) are still an issue in Indonesia, because it is a major cause of death in the neonatal period. The risk factors associated with occurrence of low birth weight include age, parity, birth spacing, age, pregnancy, nutritional status, social economic status, and antenatal care services. The service activity annual report of RSU Dr. Soediran Wonogiri,prevalence number BBLR from the year 2007-2009 enough heights in the year 2007,increase in the year 2008 and in the year 2007 amounts of BBLR is amount to 45,the year 2008 amounts to 65,the year 2009 amounts to 76 weight babies born low. From the data seen that during range of time three years shows existence of problem BBLR in Public Hospital Dr. Soediran Wonogiri. The purpose of this study was to correlate the characteristics with the incidence of maternal birth with low birth weight in RSU Dr. Soediran Wonogiri. The research method uses analytical research design with cross sectional approach. The experiment was conducted in Dr. Soediran Wonogiri. Soediran Wonogiri. The research samples were of 40 respondent’s using sequence sampling method. The techniques of data collection by questionnaire. Data collected were analyzed by Fisher exact test. The results of study were showed: (1) maternal age are mostly in non-high risk category, (2) maternal education is mostly in basic categories (elementary and junior high), (3) status jobs maternity mother mostly did not work, (4) there was maternal age with the incidence of LBW in RSU Soediran Wonogiri, (5) there was maternal education with incidence of LBW in RSU Soediran Wonogiri, and (6) there maternal employment with the incidence of LBW in RSU Soediran Wonogiri.en_US
dc.subjectlow birth weighten_US
dc.subjectmaternal ageen_US
dc.subjectmaternal educationen_US
dc.subjectmaternal employment.en_US
dc.titleHubungan Karakteristik Ibu Bersalin dengan Kejadian Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah di Rumah Sakit Umum Dr.Soediran Wonogirien_US

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