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dc.contributor.authorHayatiningsih, Nur
dc.contributor.authorAmbarwati, Winarsih Nur
dc.identifier.citationChumbley, J., 2004, Menyusui: Panduan para ibu untuk menyusui dan mengenalkan bayi pada susu botol, Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta, De Carvalho (2002) , Breastfeeding: A guide for the medical profession, 4th Ed, Mosby, Missouri, Depkes RI. (2007). Survey Demografi Keluarga Indonesia, Kristiyansari W. (2009). ASI, Menyusui dan SADARI. Yogyakarta : Nuha medika Nugroho, T (2011). ASI Dan Tumor Payudara. Muha Medika: Jogjakarta Prentice (20040, Health Promotion Planning An Educational and Environmental Approach, 2nd Ed, Mayfield Publishing Company, London, Roesli, U., (2001). Bayi Sehat Berkat ASI Ekslusif. PT. Elex Media Komputindo: Jakarta. Sulistyawati, A., & Nugraheny, E. (2010) Asuhan Kebidanan pada Ibu Bersalin. Jakarta : Salemba medika Widiasih, R. (2008). Makalah seminar management laktasi “masalah-masalah dalam menyusui”. fakultas ilmu keperawatan universitas pandjajaran.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe first time a mother give colostrum for his infants is important to rapid milk production and improve uterine contractions, it can recovery involution of uterus. But all of labour still can not give aearly colostrum for her infants, especially for labour after sectio caesaria (SC). Results of preliminary study of 10 labours with sectio Caesaria and spontaneous at Dr. Moewardi hospital get 5 labour with SC, they can not give colostrum until third day after brith, it cause his milk does not outcome and he felt pain and unstabilized after SC. Only a labour who can give her breast milk was less than an hour after birth. Four labour, her colostrum was already out on day two after birth, but they can not give milk to her infant because he still feel pain after surgical. The objective was to know of time differences of colostrum of patient after surgery sectio Caesaria and postpartum spontaneously in hospitals Dr. Moewardi. This research was descriptive comparative methods. Sample were 33 labours with spontaneous and 33 labours sectio Caesaria. Taking sample was using quota sampling technique. Data collected with observation, interview and patients medical records. Data Analysis was using independent t test. Results researth showed average length of time first milk from spontaneous respondents are 10.77 hours, SC respondents are 34.73 hours. fastest time of first milk out from spontaneous respondents was 0.42 hours, SC respondents are 4 hours, longest time spontaan respondents was 30.83 hours (2 days), SC respondents with 70.25 hours ( 3 days). Results of hypothesis test was got ttest = -6.739, p = 0.001, it mean there was a difference length of time of colostrum between spontaneous labour with SC labouren_US
dc.publisherLPPM UMSen_US
dc.subjectlength of timeen_US

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