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dc.description.abstract | Parenting pattern within family which take care of the process of learning and developing of life values: social, mental or spiritual health is the conducive factors for preparing children to be a good person and society member. The role and function of Schizophrenia Catatonic’s family is very important, since family is the first social institution where it gives many influences to children. Family’s role will establish the children’s proces of growth and personality, i.e. value, attitude, and behavior in mingling within their environment and performing intrapersonal and interpersonal relationship. This research aims to know the overview of parenting pattern of Schizophrenia Catatonic in Surakarta District Residency. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The technique of collecting data uses In- Depth Interview towards schizophrenia catatonic’s family that held up to two months. The technique of analyzing data employs content analysis by categorizing verbal data for classification, validation data and verification purpose. The result of the research shows that parenting patterns applied within family in which schizophrenia catatonic’s patient exist in Surakarta District Residency are different. The parenting pattern applied by this family does not refer to certain parenting pattern, such as authoritative, democratic, and permissive parenting pattern. Several parenting patterns applied by the schizophrenia catatonic’s family are authoritarian, democratic and permissive. Most of the parents of schizophrenia catatonic patient employ permissive parenting pattern. The pattern used by giving a freedom to children, giving what children want to, and doing less control to children. Thus, it lets children become a selfish, undisciplined and do not care for society’s norm. This research shows that families with permissive parenting pattern produce Schizophrenia Catatonic more dominant than those applying authoritative and democratic parenting pattern. | en_US |