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dc.description.abstract | Family Program is the arrangement effo2rt of birth for increasing prosperity of mother
and his children, but its program is claimed to be able to create and civilizes little family who
had happiness on the norm and welfare , so doing program KB is growing the other
development programs. To get the goal, its required a knowledge from a mother, where
when her usage intrauterine device sometime she met the contraception problem device of a
mother. The knowledge obtained from many sources, like education grade, because
education had an effect to someone with her knowledge. Knowledge about menstruates
disorder for a mother who is using a contraception is expected to anxiety reduced. The
objective aim to know the relation between knowledge grade of mother about contraption
with anxiety grade when disorder menstruate in Pablengan Karanganyar The research
method applied is survey method with Cross Sectional approach.Method of the research is
all of population, mother whom early stage applies contraception hormonal who live
Pablengan village with total 40 responders. Sample technique taken is total sample method.
Hypothesis test is applying Chi Square test where searche for relation of knowledge grade
of mother about family plans with anxiety level when meet disorder menstruate. Result of
research indicates that majority responders are 31-40 years old, education grade is High
School, majority of responder are Housewife, majority of knowledge is good category.
There is relation between knowledge grade of mother about homonal KB with anxiety grade
when meeting disorder menstruate at Pablengan Karanganyar. | en_US |