Hubungan antara Tingkat Stres dengan Kadar Gula Darah Pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sukoharjo I Kabupaten Sukoharjo
Background of the study. According to data World Health Organization ( WHO), Indonesia
occupies sequence to the bigger 4 in number Diabetes mellitus patient in world after India,
China, and United States. Diabetes mellitus known as a disease which caused by existence
of chronical trouble especially at system carbohydrate metabolism, fat, as well as protein in
body. This disease actually preventable, between it by the way of changing life pattern either
so that protected from stres. Stress and Diabetes mellitus has a real tightly relationship
especially at urban resident. indisposed Life pressure and life style hardly having an effect,
added with progress of technology that is increasingly fast and various disease is being in
suffering causes degradation of condition of someone causing triggers the happening of
stress. Stress at Diabetes mellitus patient can cause trouble at blood sugar rate control. In
the situation stress there will be improvement of excretion of hormone katekolamin,
gkukagon, glucocorticoid, - endorphin and growth hormone. Purpose of this research is to
know the relation of level of stress to blood sugar rate to Diabetes mellitus patient in work
region of Puskesmas Sukoharjo I Kabupaten Sukoharjo. This research is analytic descriptive
research that is menganlisis relation between level of stres with blood sugar rate. Research
sample is 48 diabetes mellitus patients in work region of Puskesmas Sukoharjo with
technique simple random sampling. Data processing technique applies analytical technique
Product Moment. The Time and instrument Research doing in mei month of 2010 year.
Instrumen this research is quetionaire stress (HRS) Holmes Rating Scale and glukotest.
Conclusion. Based on the result of research and solution, hence the conclusion from this
research are: (1) the level of stres at Diabetes mellitus patient in Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas
Sukoharjo I most of weight, (2) the blood sugar rate to Diabetes mellitus patient in work
region of Puskesmas Sukoharjo I most of bad, and (3) There is correlation between level of
stres with blood sugar rate to Diabetes mellitus patient in work region Puskesmas Sukoharjo
I with p-value is 0,022 and r-value is 0.438