Pengaruh Hipnoterapi terhadap Penurunan Nyeri pada Pasien Post Operasi Fraktur Femur di Ruang Rawat Inap Bedah Rumah Sakit Ortopedi Surakarta
The pain after surgery usually make patient is feeling very ill. One of pain who feel by
patients is from femoral fracture surgery. Giving non-pharmacological pain management to
decrease pain with hypnotherapy, where hypnotherapy benefits was like decreasing pain.
Based on preliminary studies, at Orthopedic Hospital of Surakarta there were 437 cases for
femoral fracture in 1 year, where all of patients was given analgesic. The purpose of this
research aim to know hypnotherapy influence on pain decrease of post operation femoral
fracture patients in hospitalization Orthopedic Hospital of Surakarta. The research is
quantitative type, design research was using experimental with pre test-post test design.
Samples were taken with non-probability sampling technique namely purposive sampling
technique and obtained 27 respondents from 93 populations. Data analysis was using
Wilcoxon Rank Test. Collection data was using observation sheets from Numerical Pain
Scale according to the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR).
Characteristics respondents was showing a majority of respondents 21-30 years old 12
respondents, 25 male, 9 respondents in junior high school, 16 respondents work as private
sector, 22 respondents who had fracture 1 time. Pain Level before hypnotherapy showed 23
respondents with pain medium, 4 respondents acute pain. After given hypnotherapy, showed
24 respondents to become mild pain and 3 respondents with pain mild. Results of Wilcoxon
Signed Ranks Test was p-value = 0.001, so conclusion is there is decreasing pain with
hypnotherapy of post operation femoral fracture patients in hospitalization Orthopedic
Hospital of Surakarta. Suggestion for hospital, it hope able to use hypnotherapy method as
one of therapist alternative to post operation femoral fracture patients with analgesic use