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dc.contributor.authorSudaryanto, Agus
dc.identifier.citationAlimul, A. 2006. Pengantar Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia Aplikasi Konsep dan Proses Keperawatan. Jakarta : Salemba Medika. Annisa, 2008. Penanganan Lansia, Tak Bisa Setengah Hati. Available from: http//www.hafidz N’ Departemen Kesehatan RI, 2001. Undang–Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 Tahun 2001 Tentang Kesehatan. Jakarta:Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia.Guang Hung Zhao. 2009. Gaya Hidup Warga Usia Pertengahan Dan Usia Lanjut Serta Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kesehatan. Available from: http// Lanywati, E. 2001. Insomnia Gangguan Sulit Tidur. Yogyakarta : Kanisius. Maryam,.Ekasari,M.F.,Rosidawati., Jubaedi, A., Batubara, I. 2008. Mengenal Usia Lanjut dan Perawatannya. Jakarta : Salemba Medika. Fitri, M.Y. 2009. Gangguan Tidur Pada Lansia. Available from : http // / 2009 / 10 / 02 / gangguan–tidur–pada–lansia. MENKOKESRA. 2006. Lansia Masa Kini dan Mendatang, available from : http //www. Menkokesra. go. id. as retrieved on 10 november 2009 : 18.15 wib. Notoatmodjo, S. 2003. Pendidikan Dan Perilaku Kesehatan. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta. Nugroho, W. 2000. Keperawatan Gerontik. Jakarta : EGC. Nugroho, W. 2008. Keperawatan Gerontik. Jakarta : EGC. Prayitno, 2002. Gangguan Pola Tidur Pada Kelompok Usia Lanjut. Jurnal Kedokteran Trisakti, Januari April volume 21. . Prijosaksono, A. & Sembel R. 2002. Mengatasi Insomnia. Diakses tgl26desember2009.from:http// html. Purwanto, S. 2008. Kecemasan Menghadapi Menopause. Available from: http// Puspitosari,W.A. 2008. Insomnia Pada Lansia. Fakultas Kedokteran UMY. Yugyakarta. Rafknowledge. 2004. Insomnia dan Gangguan Tidur Lainnya. Jakarta : Elex Media Komputindo. Stanley, M & Beare, P. 2006. Buku Ajar Keperawatan Gerontik. Jakarta : EGC. Stuart, G.W. & Sundeen, S..J., 1998. Buku Saku Keperawatan Jiwa. Edisi 3. Jakarta : Penerbit EGC.en_US
dc.description.abstractnsomnia is a sleep disorder most often found. Prevalence of sleep disorders in the elderly is high at around 67% (Fitri, 2009). During aging, sleep patterns experienced changes characteristic that distinguishes it from people who are younger. Changes in sleep patterns are common and natural part of aging. Many things can cause insomnia in the elderly. Both from the internal factor (intrinsic), namely: anxiety, motivation and age. As well as external factors (extrinsic) which can be a lifestyle, use of medications, general medical disorders and the environment. Based on the results of preliminary studies in the Gayam Village Sukoharjo Sub-District Sukoharjo District seven of ten seniors said that they had difficulty in sleeping, despite different levels of difficulty sleeping on each individual. They also complain of difficulty to go to sleep, hard to resist sleep, restless sleep, and woke up early and often difficult to fall asleep again after waking. Aim of this study is to determine the factors associated with the occurrence of insomnia in the elderly in the Gayam village, Sukoharjo Sub-District, Sukoharjo District. This research method is a non-experimental research using the predictive approach. The experiment was conducted in the Gayam Village, Sukoharjo Sub-District, Sukoharjo District with a population of 664. The research sample of 225 respondents with a purposive sampling technique of random sampling. The research instrument is the scale of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index insomnia (PSQI), Taylor Manifest Anxiety anxiety scale (TMAS), and lifestyle questionnaires. The collected data were analyzed with logistic regression techniques. Results showed that (1) most of the elderly experiencing mild anxiety (76%), (2) the average elderly have a bad lifestyle (68%), (3) most of the elderly experienced mild insomnia (73%) statistical test results Wald 28.067 with a p-value = 0.000 thus conclude (4) there was a correlation between anxiety levels of elderly people with insomnia, and for the lifestyle of Wald 10.614 with insomnia p-value = 0.001 (5) there is correlation between lifestyle and the incidence of insomnia in the Gayam Village, Sukoharjo Sub-District, Sukoharjo District.en_US
dc.subjectadvanced ageen_US
dc.titleFaktor–Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Terjadinya Insomnia pada Lanjut Usia di Desa Gayam Kecamatan Sukoharjo Kabupaten Sukoharjoen_US

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