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dc.contributor.authorPratama, Destya Andi
dc.contributor.authorMuhlisin, H. Abi
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dc.description.abstractHealth is a human right and it is also an investment to achieve a successful development of nation. Therefore, health development is directed toward achievement of Healthy Indonesia, namely, a situation in which every individual lives in a healthy environment, to behave in clean and healthy lifestyle, to have access to health services and to have as highest as possible a health level (Dinkes, 2008). Purpose of the research is to know what factors that have correlation with family motivation in implementing PHBS program in Mangunharjo village of Jatipurno, Wonogiri. The research uses a descriptive correlative method. The research is performed in Mangunharjo village of Jatipurno, Wonogiri. Population of the research is all household heads who had implemented PHBS program in Mangunharjo village of Jatipurno, Wonogiri. Sample is 89 household heads who meet inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data is analyzed by using Chi Square technique. Conclusions that can be drawn from the research are: (1) there was a significant correlation between knowledge and motivation of implementing PHBS in Mangunharjo village of Jatipurno, Wonogiri and the correlation was categorized as strong enough, (2) there was no significant correlation between education level and motivation of implementing PHBS in Mangunharjo village of Jatipurno, Wonogiri, (3) there was a significant correlation between attention level of health staff and motivation of implementing PHBS in Mangunharjo village of Jatipurno, Wonogiri and the correlation was categorized as strong enough, and (4) there is a significant correlation between role of community leader and motivation of implementing PHBS in Mangunharjo village of Jatipurno, Wonogiri and the correlation was categorized as strong enough.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectofficer caringen_US
dc.subjectthe role of elite figureen_US
dc.titleFaktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Motivasi Keluarga untuk Melakukan Program PHBS di Desa Mangunjarho Jatipurno Wonogirien_US

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