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dc.contributor.authorSuraharta, I Made
dc.contributor.authorSjafruddin, Ade
dc.contributor.authorFrazilla, Russ Bona
dc.contributor.authorDriejana, R.
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dc.description.abstractFreight movement in urban areas are often faced with competition use of road space with other road users due to limited road space which increased congestion. A less precise selection of freight path between origin destination pairs of freight trip resulted in an increase in cost of goods transport. Both freight operators and road freight transport users have the same goal, which is to minimize their total transportation cost. This research will be conducted an investigation of roads that can be passed with a minimum transport cost by freight for all of pairs of origin destination of goods involved in the road transport network system in such away that could be forming the design of optimum freight network. The optimization goal is to maximize the difference in total cost of freight transportation network system between the existing condition with the condition after optimization. Mathematical models are also included to represent the behavior of the road user traffic. All of optimization process is done in two phases of activity, which is known as the bi-level programming, i.e. the lower and upper level. Lower level contains about the behavior traveling of road users type which showed in traffic assignment process. The solution technique used on this level is user equilibrium assignmnet with diagonalization. Whereas the upper level includes the formulation of the objective function and solution technique for the optimization. The solution technique used is the GA-I, that is the genetic algorithm with additional operators. The research result is a method of urban freight transport network optimization with GA-I which is significantly robust and providing an optimum solution in a short time on a hypothetical network.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectroute choiceen_US
dc.subjecturban freight transport networken_US
dc.subjectmultiuser classen_US
dc.subjectgenetic algoritmen_US
dc.titleOptimation of Urban Freight Transport Network Design By Genetic Algorithmen_US

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