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dc.contributor.authorSandhyavitri, Ari
dc.contributor.authorRahayu, Dian
dc.contributor.authorVenesha, Tasya
dc.identifier.citationDjojowirono, Soegeng, 2005, Manajemen Konstruksi, Biro Penerbit KMTS FT UGM, Yogyakarta. Getuk. 2006. Analisis Proses Hirarki. Wordpress [online]. Available at : <URL:> [Accessed 11 August 2009] Godam. 2008. Definisi/pengertian manajemen keuangan tugas pokok dan tujuan manajer keuangan perusahaan. Organisasi [online]. Available at : <URL:> [Accessed 6 April 2011] Iswanto, Hadi Saputro. DAFTAr Registrasi Badan Usaha Tahun 2010 Propinsi Riau Kota Pekanbaru. Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi [online]. Available at: <>[Accessed 24 November 2010] Siagian Sondang, 2004, Manajemen Internasional, Bumi Aksara, Jakarta. Simanihuruk Bertinus., 2009, Faktor-Faktor Internal Kontraktor Indonesia Yang Mempengaruhi Kesiapan Dalam Menghadapi Era Globalisasi, Jurnal Teknik Sipil, Universitas Tama Jagakarsa, Jakarta. Sudarto,2007, Identifikasi Permasalahan Pada Faktor Internal yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Perusahaan Jasa Konstruksi Di Indonesia, Jurnal Teknologi, Universitas Indonesia, Depok. Sumanto, 1995. Metode Penelitian Social dan Pendidikan, Andi offset, Yogakarta. Suryadi Kadarsyah, 2000, Sistem Pendukung Keputusan, PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, Bandung. Tamboto Jhon, 2007
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this paper is to identify to what extend the capability of contractor and consultant companies in Riau Province to compete in the global market. Statistical analyses methods were utilized to test the correlation among the internal factors of these companies. Test results showed that 14 internal factors influence and correlate each others for the case of the contractor companies, and 15 factors for the consultant ones. The hierarchy correlations for each single internal factorsen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectAnalytical Hierarchy Processen_US
dc.subjectglobal marketen_US
dc.titleSignificant Factors Affecting Contraktor and Consultant Companies’ Competitiveness Facing the Global Market Based on the Analytical Hierarchy Processen_US

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