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dc.contributor.authorPerdana, Kinshi
dc.contributor.authorTanaya, Prianggada Indra
dc.identifier.citationAbdulkareem, S., U. J. Rumah, and A. Adaokoma, (2011). “Optimizing Machining Parameters During Turning Process.” International Journal of Integrated Engineering, Vol. 3 No. 1, pp. 23-27.Aggarwal, A. and H. Singh,(2005). ”Optimization of Machining Techniques – A Retrospective and Literature Review.” Sadhana, Vol. 30, 6, pp. 699–711. Groover, M. P., (2006). ”Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing (Materials, Processes, and Systems) - Third Edition.”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jenkins, N., (2005). “How to Make Software - An Introduction to Software Development.”, Creative Commons. Perdana, K. (2012), "Prototype Application Development for Machining Optimization of Involved Cutting Parameters in Turning Process", Bachelor Thesis, Department of Industrial Engineering, Swiss German University, Tangerang, Indonesia. Srinivasan, K. & D. Fisher, (1995). “Machine Learning Approaches to Estimating Software Development Effort.”IEEE Trans. SE, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 126-137. Szalvay, V., (2004).“An Introduction to Agile Software Development. “Bellevue: Danube Technologies, Inc. Weise, T., (2009).“Global Optimization Algorithms, Theory and Application.” Germany: it .en_US
dc.description.abstractIn machining industries, the selection of sets of cutting parameters; cutting speed (v), feed (f), and depth of cut (d) do not put much concern on optimization. In practice, they are even set intuitively or by looking at manual reference table. The study commences with constructing a software based optimization tool. The application software optimizes cutting parameters based on production time and cost for turning operations. The development of the software application captures the idea of product development process with the prototype itself assigned as the product being developed. Product specifications and product feature are derived to meet the requirements. Database of cutting tools geometry, cutting tools’ materials (allowable maximum v and f), stock-workpiece geometry, workpiece material properties (amongst others, yield strength, shear strength, modulus of elasticity, unit power, and Brinell hardness), and machine type characteristics are developed using GNU/PostgreSQL database. Java programming language is used to develop the software product. To develop the prototype application, a modeling effort of the software architecture is performed by using GNU/Umbrello, a UML – Unified Modeling Language application. The implementation of process optimization in this application is based on Taylor's Tool Life formula. Iterations are performed to provide the suitable cutting parameters based on cutting power, cutting force, allowable beam (workpiece) deflection, manufacturing cost and time. The functionally-tested application has made it a prototype with prospect in becoming a very helpful tool later on for machining operators to find a set of optimized cutting parameters with consideration of several machining constraints.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectturning operationen_US
dc.subjectcutting paremetersen_US
dc.subjectproduct developmenten_US
dc.subjectprototype software applicationen_US
dc.titleA Software Prototype Application For Machining Optimization Of Involved Cutting Parameters In Turning Processes A Work In Progressen_US

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