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dc.contributor.authorDjamin, Rantawan
dc.identifier.citationAji Samekto, 2005, Studi Hukum Kritis – Kritik Terhadap Hukum Modern, Bandung: Citra Aditya Bhakti. Hammond, John L, and Hammond, Barbara, 1917, 1972, The Labourer, New York, Longmans Green, & Longmans, London. Hans Kelsen, 2006, Teori Hukum Murni – Dasar-Dasar Ilmu Hukum Normatif (terjemahan), Bandung: Nusamedia & Nuansa. Heilbroner, Robert, L., 1978, 1979, Beyond an Crash, New York; Norton & Marion Boyars, London. Huntington, Samuel P., 2003, Tertib Politik di Tengah Pergeseran Kepentingan Massa, Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada. Noreena Herzt, 2005, Perampok Negara – Kuasa Kapitalisme Global dan Matinya Demokrasi (terjemahan), Yogyakarta: Alinea, Yogyakarta. Malthus TR, 1973, An Essay on Population, Dutton, Everyman, 2 volumes, 1960-1: Everyman’s, University, London. Marx, Karl, 1967, 1970, Das Capital, New York, Internasional Publisher, 3 volumes, Lawrence and Wishart. Muslih, Muhammad, 2004, Filsafat Ilmu – Kajian Atas Asumsi Dasar, Pradigma dan Kerangka Teori Ilmu Pengetahuan, Yogyakarta: Belukar. Rasjidi, Lili dan Wyasa Putra, 2003, Hukum Sebagai Suatu Sistem, Bandung: Mandar Maju. Ravertz, James R. , 1982, The Philosophy of Science, Oxford University Press. Smith, Adam, 1937, 1970, The Wealth of Nation, New York: Modern Library, Everyman’s University London.en_US
dc.description.abstractS ince the existence of United State of Republic of Indonesia (NKRI so called), all the people who live in the state territory subject to obey the state law system, therefore all the traditional soverenigty and it’s institu- tional apparatus must be put off side, because it has been depositioned by formal institution founded by the state. The attitude of state that always want to know anything and to rule (to interfere) any aspect of life of the people, some time have to face the resistence of the people; either silently or openly. This phenomenom prove that the autonomy of law of the society have not been died just because of the domination of the modern law system (positive law). Even some times, traditional authority present to the front yard society to resolve the social conflict which the modern law system has been failed to resolve. The community of law academician of Indonesia, should not eye blind on these phenomenom, because the ignorance on the authonomy of societys law the same as the ignorance on democracy idea of The Five Basic Principles of the Republic of Indonesia – Pancasila so called. In fact, it is a ta-sk that should be paid full attention by Indonesian law community, this is to build up a construction of Indonesian law on the base of the democracy of Pancasila.en_US
dc.subjectSistem Hukum Modernen_US
dc.subjectKeadilan Formalen_US
dc.subjectOtoritas Hukum Tradisionalen_US

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