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dc.description.abstract | L
egal aid is a human right that must be protected, and guarded by all the
people of Indonesia, one of the rights that are mandated by law no.32 of
1999 on Human Rights is to provide legal aid to suspects and defendants and
the people who are dealing with the law and given the State of In-donesia is a country
of law as mandated in the constitution, it would have de-served all aspects of life
in the regulation
of mutual attraction between each other and form a continuous
pattern with each other,
so it is quite interesting
to examine the provision
services and legal assistance provided
by the Legal Aid
Higher Education
(LBH PT)This study uses normative-empirical approach,
which means the study
the problems
that arise in the field (factual) should be returned
again into the
side, the perspective used in this study are
the results
have been obtained
the field and from
The results
of this study indicate the presence
between regulation,
to the fulfillment of rights to obtain legal aid to
poor is only with the emergence
of the Law No.16 Year
Legal Aid,
means that the substance of the law was contrary to human rights law state
of Pancasila and the role
alone had no will but not maximi-zed
it is still constrained funding and active participatory
of students, faculty
and paralegals. Therefore
need to change the level of normative, and empirical
running the LBH PT based on the primary goal of “service”. | en_US |