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dc.contributor.authorLabib, Ahmad
dc.identifier.citationDimyati, Khudzaiafah, 2004, Teorisasi Hukum; Studi Tentang Perkembangan Pemikiran Hukum di Indonesia, Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University Pers. Hazairin, 1974, Tujuh Serangkai Tentang Hukum, Jakarta: Tinta Mas Kus umaat madj a, Mocht ar, 1975, Pembi naan Hukum Dal am Rangka Pembangunan Nasional, Bandung: LPHK Fakultas Hukum UNPAD – Bina Cipta, cetakan pertama. Rahardjo, Satjipto, Piagam Islah Priok, Kompas, 12 Maret 2001 Rahardjo, Satjipto, 2007, Biarkan Hukum Mengalir: Catatan Kritis Tentang Pergulatan Manusia dan Hukum, Jakarta: Kompas. Salman, Otje, 1993, Kesadaran Hukum Masyarakat Terhadap Hukum Waris, Bandung: Penerbit Alumni. Sidharta, B. Arief, 2007, Soepomo, 1983, Bab-bab tentang Hukum Adat, Jakarta: Pradnya Paramita. Wahid, Yani A., “Islah, Resolusi Konflik untuk Rekonsiliasi”, Kompas, 16 Maret 2001 Wignjosoebroto, Soetandyo, 2002, Hukum: Paradigma, Metode dan Dinamika Masalahnya, Jakarta: ELSAM dan HUMA.en_US
dc.description.abstractS ociologically, law is the concretization of the values system that grow and develop in the society. Therefore, the ideal condition is the pres ence of the harmony among the law and the values system. The conse- quence is that the change of the value should be followed by the change of the law or in the other hand the law should be utilized as an instrument to perform the change on the values system. Furthermore, it is real that law conscience last but not least is the problem of values. For this reason, law consicence is the abstract conception in human being, about the harmony among the order and the liberty as necessary.en_US
dc.subjectperadilan adaten_US
dc.subjectteori resepsien_US
dc.titleMusyawarah Kekeluargaan Studi Kasus Eksistensi Peradilan Adat di Desa Payaman, Kecamatan Solokuro, Kabupaten Lamonganen_US

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