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dc.description.abstractRules which are stated in the Draft of Criminal Law Procedure Code are such a form of law formulation of criminal law procedure which are derived from various Act existed outside the Criminal Law Code and Criminal Law Procedure Code, in which the position of crime victim con- stituted and the implementing regulatory followed. The formulation of the law substance on crime victim in the Criminal Law Procedure Code is the mani- festation of responsive public policy on the development of law happened thor- ough induction approach. Observed on the regulation substance, the rule in the Criminal Law Procedure Code express the improvement and attention to- ward the need of the crime victim, therefore it is necessary to perform support- ing effort to maintain and to perform any empowering program upon the crime victim by adding new norm that may empower the crime victim existent in the criminal justice system in Indonesia in the future.en_US
dc.subjectviktimisasi sekunderen_US
dc.subjectkeadilan restoratifen_US
dc.subjecttertib publiken_US
dc.titleKedudukan Korban Tindak Pidana dalam Sistem Peradilan Pidana Indonesia Berdasarkan KUHP Dan RUU KUHPen_US

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