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dc.description.abstract | This thesis reveals Muhammadiyah role in stemming the flow ideas of secularism, pluralism and liberalism (SEPILIS) leadership period
Thought of secularism, pluralism and liberalism clearly contradicts khittah, manhaj and line struggle of Muhammadiyah. Muhammadiyah that since its birth has based on Islam that which Qur’an and Sunnah as life guidance clearly contrary to the flow of secularism, pluralism and liberalism. In a man’s life should be based on monotheism, worship and obedience to God as the initial sound of Muqaddimah rules in Muhammadiyah Association is one of contradictory to the teachings of religious pluralism.
Research results that Muhammadiyah timeframe in 2000-2010 is sufficiently to provide a significant role in stemming the flow of ideas of secularism, pluralism and liberalism. But they can also understand the obstacles and solutions that can be taken to keep making the Muhammadiyah as Islamic organization which remain Istiqomah in the path of righteousness. | en_US |