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dc.contributor.authorKartika, Norma Yuni
dc.contributor.authorW, M.R. Djarot Sadharta
dc.identifier.citationBadan Pusat Statistik. 2011. Jawa Tengah Dalam Angka 2011. Semarang _________________. 2011. Grobogan Dalam Angka 2011. Purwodadi _________________. 2010. Statistik Sosial dan Kependudukan Jawa Tengah. Semarang _________________. 2009. Statistik Kesejahteraan Rakyat. Jakarta BKKBN. 2004. Remaja Hari Ini Adalah Pemimpin Masa Depan. Jakarta: BKKBN BPPK. 2010. Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2010. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Kementrian Republik Indonesia Bogue, Donald. J. 1969. Principles of Demography. New York: John Wiley and Sons Choe, M.K, Shyam Thapa and Sulistinah Irawati Achmad. 2001. Early Marriage and Chidbearing in Indonesia and Nepal. East-West Center Working Papers. Population Series, No.108-15. Hanum S.H. 1997. Perkawinan Usia Belia. Kerjasama Pusat Penelitian Kependudukan Universitas Gadjah Mada dengan Ford Faundation. Yogyakarta UGM Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Grobogan. 2011. Data Usia Kawin 2009-2011. Purwodadi Pengadilan Agama Purwodadi. 2005-2012. Buku Register Induk Perkara Permohonan (Voluntair). Buku I dan II. UNICEF, 2005. Early Marriage A Harmful Traditional Practice. The United Nations Children‘s Fund (UNICEF). _______. 2001. Early Marriage. The United Nations Children‘s Fund (UNICEF). USAID, 2009. Addressing Early Marriage In Uganda. U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). ______. 2009. Early Marriage and Youth Reproductive Health. U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Nargis. 2005. Keluarga : Perannya Dalam Mencegah Kehamilan Usia Remaja (10-19 tahun). Warta Demografi, 36 (3) : 39-45 Notoatmodjo. 2005. Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, Prinsip-Prinsip Dasar. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta Ravanera, Z.R and Rajulton, F. 2005. Changes in economic status and timing of marriage of young Canadians, Paper presented at the Conference of the federation of Canadian Demographers on longitudinal studies and demographic challenges of the 21 century, November 18-19, 2005, Canada, Universite de Montreal. Population Studies centre University of Western Ontario London N6A 5C2, 05-18 Suprapto, A., Pradono, J., dan Hapsari, D. 2004. Determinan Sosial Ekonomi Pada Pertolongan Persalinan di Indonesia. Majalah Kedokteran Perkotaan. Volume 2, Nomor 2, Hal 18-29. sten_US
dc.description.abstractAbstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the household economic status as the main factors oh the high child marriage in Grobogan. The Method in this study is a secondary data analysis. Secondary data used in this study is the result data of Early Marriage Survey in 2011 conducted in collaboration with the PSSK UGM with PLAN Indonesia.The number of respondents in this study were 83 households (40 household child marriage and 43 RT non-marriage child), parent respondents in this study were 129 people (60 parents of child marriage and 69 parents non child marriage) and children were 90 respondents people (40 child marriage and 50 non-child marriage). The data collection is based on secondary data from the Survey of Child Marriage in 2011, using a questionnaire format with three (3) types of list of questions, namely: questionnaires for the household, the questionnaire for parents and questionnaires for child to support variables to be tested and analyzed. Descriptive analysis performed with the frequency distribution, chi square analysis (X ) to see the differences in the dependent and independent variables, variables that have differences included in the multivariate analysis with logistic regression. The results showed that the major cause of child marriage is the low economic status of households 3.2 times risk of child marriage occurs in comparison with the high economic status of households. The coefficient of determination (R 2 ) 0.102 describe the low economic status of households can predict child marriage by 10.2 percent later perceptions and knowledge about child marriage, as well as the perceptions and knowledge of parents about marriage. Variable children's education, parental education and occupation of parents do not have a meaningful relationship with the child marriage. The efforts made by the local government to address issues such as child marriage is an increase in household income generation for poor families.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjecthousehold economic statusen_US
dc.subjectthe main factoren_US
dc.subjectchild marriagesen_US
dc.titleAnalisis Status Ekonomi Rumah Tangga sebagai Faktor Utama Penyebab Perkawinan Anak di Kabupaten Grobogan (Analisis Survei Pernikahan Dini 2011)en_US

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