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dc.contributor.authorSyamsiyah, Nur Rahmawati
dc.identifier.citationAl Qaradhawi, Yusuf, 2000, Tuntutan Membangun Masjid, Gema Insani, Jakarta As-Salim, Abu Abdillah, 2009, Khusyuk Dalam Sholat, Majalah al-Furqon Edisi 4 tahun kesembilan/ Dzulqo‟dah 1430 E. Ayub, Mohammad, dkk, 1996, Manajemen Masjid, Gema Insani, Jakarta Gazalba, Sidi, 1962, Masjid Pusat Ibadah dan Kebudayaan Islam, Pustaka Antara, Jakarta. Hall,Edward T, 1982, The Hidden Dimension, Doubleday & Company Inc, USA Hidayati, R dan Syamsiyah, NR, 2011, Modelling of Mosque Site Based on Noise Reduction Analysis of Site Elements, Proceding of International Conference, ISBN 978-979-3334-15-8, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Mangunwijaya,YB, 1992, Wastu Citra, Cetakan II, Jakarta, PT.Gramedia Pustaka Utama Noe‟man Ahmad, 2003, Arsitektur Islam, Bandung: Makalah tidak diterbitkan Lippsmeier, 1994, Bangunan Tropis (terjemahan), Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta Satwiko,Prasasto, 2008, Fisika Bangunan, Yogyakarta, Penerbit Andi Syamsiyah, Nur Rahmawati, 2007, Transformasi Fungsi Mihrab dalam Arsitektur Masjid, Jurnal Teknik Terakreditasi „Gelagar‟ Fakultas Teknik UMS ISSN 0853-2850, Volume 1, Nomor 18, April 2007 ....NN..., 2005, Direktori Masjid Jawa Tengah, Kanwil Depag Jawa Tengahen_US
dc.description.abstractA mosque is a Muslim‟s place for worship that should have the value of science and charity, so that any mosque is a place of civilized establishment of Islamic generation. Worshipers in the mosque should feel the comfort of the aspects of lighting, ventilation and noise, in order to get a solemn religious activities and knowledge provided will be easily understood. Generally, mosques in Surakarta have characteristics of traditional Javanese architecture, with the completion of the interior elements are present. There are 8 mosques which were surveyed. Most of them do not have the convenience; the high temperature, the air movement is not smooth, lacking the intensity of natural lighting, as well as the distribution of priests sound is not throughout the room evenly.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.titleKenyamanan Ruang dalam Masjid dan Pembentukan Generasi Islamen_US

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  • Seminar Milad UMS 55
    Peran Islam dalam Membangun Peradaban Umat: Bidang Politik Social, Ekonomi, Pendidikan & Teknologi

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