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dc.contributor.authorIndarto, Indarto
dc.identifier.citationBlöschl, G., and Grayson, R. 2000. ‘Spatial observation and interpolation.’ In : R. Grayson and G. Blöschl,(eds.), Spatial Pattern in Catchment Hydrology : Observation and modelling“, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp : 17-50. Buras, N (Eds). 1997. Reflections on Hydrology Science and Practise. American Geophysical Union. Croke, B.F.W. and Jakeman A.J. 2004, “A Catchment Moisture Deficit module for the IHACRES rainfall-runoff model”, Environmental Modelling and Software, vol 19, pp 1-5. Croke, B.F.W., Andrews, F., Spate, J., and Cuddy, S., 2004. IHACRES User Guide, Software Version Classic Plus – V2.0, ICAM Centre, The Australian National University. Croke, B.F.W., Andrews, F., Jakeman, A.J., Cuddy, S. and Luddy, A. 2005. Redesign of the IHACRES rainfall-runoff model, to appear in the proceedings of the 29th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Engineers Australia, February 2005. Colwell, R.K., 1974. Predictability, Constancy, and Contingency of Periodic Phenomena. Ecology, 55: 1148-1153. Dye P.J. and B. F. W. Croke 2003, “Evaluation of streamflow predictions by the IHACRES rainfall-runoff model in two South African catchments”, Environmental Modelling and Software, vol 18, pp 705-712. Fleeming, G. 1975. Computer Simulation Techniques in Hydrology. El Sevier. Floyd, C. 1987. Outline of a Paradigma Change in Software Engineering. In Bjerknes, G., Eha, P. and Kyng, M (Eds) Computers and Democracy. Avebury, Aldershort, UK, and Brookfield, USA Gordon, N.D., McMahon, T.A. and Finlayson, B.L., 1992. Stream Hydrology: an Introduction for Ecologists. John Wiley and Sons, 526 pp. Grayson, R., Argent, R., Nathan, R., McMahon, T. and Mein, R., 1996. Hydrological Recipes. Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology, Melbourne Victoria. Institution of Engineers Australia, 1997. Australian Rainfall and Runoff: a Guide to Flood Estimation, Revised Edition. Institution of Engineers Australia. Jakeman, A.J., Littlewood, I.G., and P.G. Whitehead., 1990, “Computation of the instantaneous unit hydrograph and identifiable component flows with application to two small upland catchments”, Journal of Hydrology, vol 117, pp 275-300. Jakeman, A. J., and Hornberger G. M. 1993, “How much complexity is warranted in a rainfall-runoff model?”, Water Resources. Research, vol 29, pp 2637-2649. Klemes, V. 1986. ‘ Dilettantism in hydrology : transition or destiny ? ‘ Water Resource Research, 22, 9, pp : 177-188. Littlewood, I.G, K. Down, J.R. Parker and D.A Post. 1997b. IHACRES Catchment Scale Rainfall- Streamflow Modelling (PC Version). The Australian National University, Canberra, 99p. Maidment, D. R. 1993.’ Developping a spatially distributed unit hydrograph by using GIS.’ In : K. KOVAR and H. P. NACHTNEBEL, (Eds.), HydroGIS’93 : Application of Geographic Information Systems in hydrology and water resources management, Vienne, Autriche IAHS Publication, n°211, pp : 181-192. Refsgaard, J. S. 2000. ‘ Towards a Formal Approach to Calibration and Validation of Models Using Spatial Data.’ In : R. Grayson and G. Blöschl, (eds.), Spatial Patterns in Catchment Hydrology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp : 397 + index. Stewardson, M. and Gippel, C., 2003. Incorporating flow variability into environmental flow regimes using the flow events method. River Research and Applications, 19: 459-472. Singh, V. P. 1995. ‘Watershed Modeling.’ In : V. P. Singh, (ed.), Computers Models of Watershed Hydrology, Water Resources Publications, Baton Rouge, Laoisiana, USA. Sivapalan, M., Franks, S.W., Takeuchi, K. and Tachikawa, Y., 2005. International Perspectives on PUB and Pathways Forward. Chapter 2, in: Predictions in Ungauged Basins: International Prespectives on the State of the Art and Pathways Forward (ed. By S.W. Franks, M. Sivapalan, K. takeuchi & Y. Tachikawa), 1 - 14, IAHS Publ. 301. IAHS Press, Wallingford, UK.en_US
dc.description.abstractMakalah ini mendeskripsikan karakteristik fisik dan hidro-meteorologi pada limabelas (15) DAS di wilayah Tapalkuda di Jawa Timur. Karakteristik fisik DAS yang dianalisa mencakup: Luas DAS, topografi, jaringan sungai, peruntukan lahan, dan jenis tanah. Karakteristik fisik diturunkan dari: peta topografi melalui Digital Elevation Model (DEM), peta peruntukan lahan, peta kelas tanah, dan peta digital RBI. Karakteristik hidrologi diperoleh dari hasil analisis terhadap data hujan dan data debit harian pada masing-masing DAS. Hujan harian DAS dihitung dengan rerata aritmatik dari beberapa stasiun hujan di wilayah DAS tersebut. Data debit harian diambil dari stasiun pengukuran debit (AWLR) yang terpasang pada outlet DAS. Selanjutnya, data-data tersebut diolah dengan ke excel dan perangkat lunak River Analysis Package (RAP). Analisis di dalam RAP mencakup: statiktik umum; kurva durasi aliran; dan aliran dasar. Hasil analisis selanjutnya ditampilkan dalam tabel dan grafik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan kerakteristik fisik dan hidrometeorologi padan ke liam belas (150 DAS tersebut. Hasil penelitian berguna sebagai dasar klasifikasi atau studi lanjut tentang regionalisasi DAS-DAS di Jawa Timur.en_US
dc.publisherLPPM UMSen_US
dc.subjectkarakteristik fisiken_US
dc.subjectanalisis statistiken_US
dc.titleStudi Tentang Karakteristik Fisik dan Hidrologi Pada 15 DAS di Jawa Timuren_US
dc.title.alternativeStudy on The Physical Characteristics and Hydrology of 15 Watershed in East Javaen_US

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