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dc.contributor.authorSilitonga, Anita Shintauli
dc.contributor.authorSarjono, Yetty
dc.contributor.authorAnif, Sofyan
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dc.description.abstractThe objectives of this research was to determine (1) planning of guidance and counseling activity for students character building. (2) The implementation of guidance and counseling activity for student’s character building. (3) Evaluation of guidance and counseling activity for student’s character building.This is qualitative research that conducted in SD N 2 Rowosari, Kendal. Data collection techniques used in this research is the observation, interview and documentation. Data analysis techniques in this research using analytical models. Validity of the data in this research includes credibility, transferability, dependability, and conformability.The results of this research (1) In the guidance and counseling activity at SDN 2 Rowosari also begins with planning activities that performed by the principal, classroom teachers and subject teachers. In the planning activity discusses the purpose of counseling activities that are the development of the students through the planting of 18 character values through four areas: personal, social, learning and career. (2) The implementation of guidance and counseling activity to the formation of student’s character at SDN 2 Rowosari refers to the self-development program. It si for formation of student’s character integrated into subjects by planting of 18 character values are given to the students pasted on the material that tailored to the competencies formulation of guidance activity covering 4 areas: personal, social, learning and career. (3) Evaluation in counseling activities consists of two types of assessment that is the assessment process and assessment results. Evaluation exercise counseling can be done in the form of non-test is through observation or monitoring of student characteristics. The successful of the quality advancement of the counseling activities is assessed from the reflection of 18 character values that shown by the students.en_US
dc.publisherLPPM UMSen_US
dc.subjectGuidance Counselingen_US
dc.subjectCharacter Buildingen_US
dc.titlePengelolaan Kegiatan Bimbingan dan Konseling Untuk Pembentukan Karakter Siswa Sekolah Dasaren_US

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