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dc.description.abstract | Research objectives are: (1) to determine the realization of faculty careers
related to structural position Private Teachers ‘Training College in Semarang,
(2) to determine the actual functional promotion of academic faculty Private Teachers’
Training College in Semarang, and (3) what factors are involved determine the
progress in implementation of the decision-making coaching career faculty.
Research method is descriptive qualitative with a view mendatakan events and
happenings of interest to researchers in the natural environment as well as through
an ethnographic approach. The respondents were board of trustees, Rector,
professor of civil servants, lecturers and remain the foundation as well as the
researchers themselves. Techniques of collecting data through observation,
interviews, documentation, and discussion. Data analysis techniques by reducing
the data then presenting the data and then drawing conclusions, are used to test
the validity of data credibility, transferability, and dependability.
The results are related to career building structural positions lecturers generally
smooth, but there needs to be changes in the bureaucracy of the board of trustees
that the head of the university (Rector) was given the authority to regulate or sound
coming from under recognized. Career coaching-related faculty position there is a
difference between functional academic lecturers and professors remain the
foundation of civil servants, the condition is caused by the lack of a standardized
staffing rules, the lack of a policy be motivating lecturers to be promoted, the weak
lecturer in management and infrastructure facilities was inadequate institutions. | en_US |