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dc.contributor.authorTjahjono, Tri
dc.identifier.citationÇengel, Y. A., Boles, M. A. 2006.Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, 5th ed., McGraw- Hill, P. 753. Faiz A, Weaver CS, Walsh MP. 1996.Air pollution from motor vehicles: standards and technologies for controlling emissions. Washington DC: The World Bank. Furuhama S. Hiruma M., 2004.Some characteristics of oil consumption measured by hydrogen fuelled engine, J of ASLE 1977; 34:665–75, Ganesan V. 2003.Internal Combustion Engines. Second Edition. Tata McGraw Hill Book Co. Hidayat, K.T. 2005.Study Pengaruh Penambahan Zat Aditif Peningkat Angka Oktan ke Dalam Bahan Bakar Pertamax Terhadap Unjuk Kerja Mesin Dan Emisi Gas Buang, Tugas Akhir S-1, Teknik Mesin, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Surakarta. Jauhari, E. 2005.Analisis Pemanasan Bahan Bakar Terhadap Unjuk Kerja Mesin Bensin, Tugas Akhir S-1, Teknik Mesin, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Surakarta. Naudin, J.L., 2000.Pantone’s Multi-fuel Processor, (Accessed on Wednesday, January 05, 2011) Sullivan K.2011.Technical Support Articles, 20th. 21st. 22nd. and 23rd editions, Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc. (Accessed on Wednesday, January 05, 2011) Toyota. 1995.Materi Pelajaran Engine Group Step 2, PT Toyota-Astra Motor. Warju. 2006.Pengaruh Penggunaan Catalytic Converter Tembaga Berlapis Mangan Terhadap Kadar Polutan Gas Buang Motor Bensin Empat Langkah. Tesis S-2 Teknik Mesin, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe reduction of carbon monoxide (CO), unburnthydrocarbon (UHC) emission and fuel consumption on spark-ignition four-stroke engine is continuously attempted.The purposes from this research were to determine the effect of Hydrocarbon Treating System (HTS) on levels of CO, UHC and fuel consumption. This is an experimental research. It is conducted by comparing the exhaust pollutant concentration such as carbon monoxide, unburnt hydrocarbon and also fuel consumption between standard engine setting and Hydrocarbon Treating System applied. The research variable are HTS flow rate from Q = 0 cc/s (without HTS), Q = 1.5 cc/s, Q = 2 cc/s, Q = 2.5 cc/s, and Q = 3 cc/s. The research will be done in three conditions which are low, medium and high rotation.The result showed that Hydrocarbon Treating System decrease fuel consumption up to 19.43% with flow rate Q = 3 cc/s, but on the other hand it increase CO emission up to 80.84% with flow rate Q = 3 cc/s and UHC emission level up to 124.75% with flow rate Q = 3 cc/s from engine standard conditionen_US
dc.publisherlppm umsen_US
dc.subjectCarbon monoxide (CO)en_US
dc.subjectUnburnt Hydrocarbon (UHC)en_US
dc.subjectfuel consumptionen_US
dc.titleAnalysis of Hydrocarbon Treating System to The Emission of Spark-Ignition Four-Stroke Engineen_US

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