Analisis Pengaruh Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, Pendidikan dan Kesehatan Terhadap Tingkat Harapan Hidup: Studi pada Daerah-Daerah di Provinsi Jawa Timur
One of successful national development indicators is an enhanced people well-being
reflected by high rate of life expectancy. Purpose of the research is to analyze effects
of economic development, education and health on rate of life expectancy of people living
in East Java Province. Data of the research is secondary one acquired from statistical center
body. The data is analyzed by using multiple linear regression analysis with ordinary least
square (OLS) method. Results of the research indicated that the data was linear and normally
distributed. Classical assumption test showed there were no multicolinearity,
heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation. Statistical test indicated that health affected rate
of life expectancy (however, economic development and education did not), the model
existed, and 99.999% of rate variance of life expectancy can be explained by economic
development, education and health.