Pengaruh Faktor Demografi, Psikologis dan Kontekstual Terhadap Niat Kewirausahaan pada Mahasiswa (Studi Terhadap Mahasiswa Universitas Setia Budi Surakarta)
This study aims to prove the influence of demographic factors, psychological and
contextual to the entrepreneurial intentions of students (the study of college students Setia
Budi University of Surakarta). The study involved a sample of 253 students from five faculties
in Setia Budi University Surakarta. Obtained data retrieval technique using accidental
sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that demographic factors did not
influence entrepreneurial intentions. This study also showed that in the psychological factors
the only the independence and authority variable affect on entrepreneurial intentions. This
study also shows that the contextual factors, the only social support and environmental
support variables effect on entrepreneurial intentions.