Pengaruh Desentralisasi Fiskal Terhadap Angka Melek Huruf, dan Angka Partisipasi Sekolah di Kabupaten/Kota Provinsi Jawa Tengah Periode 2010 dan 2011
The purpose of Indonesian fiscal decentralization that started on 2001 is focus on the
local government development. Fiscal decentralization is believed to create public services
efficiency on local government. Furthermore, fiscal decentralization ensure the local budget
(APBD) is spent to develop health and education sectors as these sectors are part of basic
needs. This study aims to examine how fiscal decentralization influence to the local
educational development in term of literacy rate (AMH) and school enrolment rate (APS).
This study uses data based on the kabupaten/kota over Central Java Province in the periods
of 2010 – 2011. This study also uses linear regression with non-probability sampling as there
is 35 kabupaten/kota each year uses for population and sample in this study. Result shows
that fiscal decentralization has an influence to AMH and APS based on the data from
kabupaten/kota in Central Javain the periods of 2010 -2011. Thus, it could be conclude that
local governments (kabupaten/kota) in Central Java Province have used local revenue to
provide public education services specifically in improving literacy and school enrolment
rate for 7-15
year students.