Analisis Faktor–Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pergantian Kantor Akuntan Publik (Studi Empiris Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur di Bursa Efek Indonesia)
The length of the relationship Public Accounting Firm with a possible client may
affect the independence of the public accountant's attitude in giving opinion to the client.
To avoid this, the government through the Minister of Finance 17/PMK.01/2008 set number
of limitations on the duration of the engagement of auditors and clients. The change of
the Firm in accordance with a predetermined time limit government (mandatory) will not be
a problem but if the change occurs outside the firm government regulation (voluntary) will
raise questions about the factors that cause this to happen. In this study, researchers focused
on the company (client) to make the auditor changes.
Several previous studies on the factors that influence the auditor changes showed
different results. Researchers tried again to examine the factors that affect auditor changes.
The factors tested were the auditor's reputation, company size, financial distress, and
management turnover. Researchers use the companies listed on the Stock Exchange in
the period 2004-2011. Purposive sampling method produce 32 sample firms. Methods of data
analysis in research using logistic regression.
The results showed that the only one variable affects to auditor changes. Auditor
changes affected by auditor’s reputation.while the variable size firm, financial distress, and
management changes do not affect the company's decision to make the turn KAP.