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dc.contributor.authorPrasetya Ningrum, Endah
dc.identifier.citationAgung, I Gusti Ngurah, 2001. Statistika Analisis Hubungan Kausal Berdasarkan Data Kategorik. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Perkasa. Angelillo, et al, 1999. “Mothers and Vaccination: Knowledge, attitudes, and Behavior in Italy”. Bulletin of The World Health Organization. Vol; 77 (3): 224 – 229. Switzerland: Chair of Hygiene, Medical School, University of Catanzaro, Magna Graecia, Italy. Baker, J.P., 2000. Immunization and The American Way: 4 Childhood Vaccines. American Journal of Public Health. Vol: 90 Iss: 2 page: 199-207 Becker et al, 1993. “The Determinants of Use of Maternal and Child Health Services in Metro Cebu, the Philippines”. Health Transition Review Vol 3. No 1, 1993 Deri Maria Sihombing dan G. Yuristianti, 2000. Jayawijaya Watch Project: Health Section. Jayawijaya Women and Their Children’s Health Project AusAID - World Vision. Jakarta: Departemen Kesehatan RI. Elliot M.M., 1999. “Healthier Mother and Babies”. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report Vol: 48 Iss 38 Page 849 – 858, Oct 1 1999 Folland Sherman, Allen C. Goodman and Miron Stano, 2001. The Economics of Health and Health Care. Third Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc. Gordon Ada, 2001. Vaccines and Vaccination. The New England Journal of Medicine. Vol. 345, No.14 Grossmann Michael, 1999. The Human Capital Model of The Demand for Health. Cambridge: National Bureau of Economic Research. Gujareti D.N., 1995. Basic Econometrics. New York:McGraw Hill, Inc Berita Ilmu Keperawatan ISSN 1979-2697, Vol . 1 No.1, Maret 2008 : 7-12 12 Hari Kusnanto, Siswanto Agus Wilopo, Achmad Surjono, Harun Rusito., 2003. Pencapaian Program Imunisasi Pada Anak Usia 12-23 Bulan Di Kabupaten Purworejo. Yogyakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta dan Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten, Purworejo. Massoudi M.S., Walsh J., Stokley S., Rosenthal J., Stevenson J., Miljanovic B., Mann J., Dini E., 1999. Assessing Immunization Performance of Private Practitioners in Maine: Impact of the Assessment, Feedback, Incentives, and Exchange Strategy. Pediatrics Journal Article. Vol: 103 Iss: 6 Pt 1 Page: 1218-1223 Mehl Lewis and Madrona, 2001. Vaccines. Israel: Program Director, Continuum Center for Health and Healing, Beth Israel Hospital/Albert Einstein School of Medicine. 8/21/2009 Murti, B., 1997. Prinsip dan Metode Riset Epidemiologi. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press. Niraula Bhanu, 1994. “Use of Health Services in Hill Villages in Central Nepal”. Health Transition Review (4) 1994: 151 – 166 Perry H.B., Sufia Nurani, Quaiyum A., Jinnah, Sharma A., 1996. “Morbidity and Vaccine Research II: Barrier to Imunization in the Slums of Dhaka City”. Bangladesh: International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Reseach. Reichler, et al, 1998. “Cluster Survey Evaluation of Coverage and Risk Factors for Failure to be Immunized During the 1995 National Immunization Days in Egypt”. International Journal of Epidemiology. Vol: 27 (6): 1083 – 1089. Rois, A 2001. Analisis Faktor Risiko Ketidaklengkapan Imunisasi Bayi di Kecamatan Tirtomoyo, Kabupaten Wonogiri. Jakarta: Badan Litbang Kesehatan Departemen Kesehatan RI. Siswanto A. W., Abdul W, Hari K., Harun R., and Lina K, 1995. Level, Trend, and Diferential of Infant and Child Mortality in Purworejo District: An Indirect Technique. Yogyakarta: Community Health Research and Nutrition Laboratory Gadjah Mada University. 20/03/2003 Susilowati, S 2001. “Penelitian Seroprevalensi Antibodi Campak di Daerah Kumuh dan Perkotaan DKI Jakarta”. Jakarta: Badan Litbang Kesehatan DepKes RI. Sugiono, 2005. Metode Penelitian Administrasi. Bandung: Penerbit Alfabeta Theophilus, 2000. Rubrik Kesehatan: Imunisasi. Media Kesehatan. Edisi 20 April – Juni 2000. Jakarta: CyberNet. Vaessen, Martin, 2002. Nepal Demographic and Helath Survey (NDHS) 2001. Nepal: Family Health Division Departemen of Health Services Ministry of Health His Majesty’s Government Kathmandu, New ERA Kathmandu, ORC Macro Calverton, Maryland USA, April 2002 World Bank, 1994. World Development Report, 1993. New York: Oxford University Press.en_US
dc.description.abstractResearch background is coverage result immunize Public Health Service and Social of Sub-Province Boyolali showing, happened by the degradation coverage percentage of immunize.Target of this research is check the factors influencing equipment the base immunize baby in Puskesmas Banyudono of Sub-Province Boyolali In line with the target, this research is including type of analytic observation method research with the transversal crosscut study approach or Cross Sectional. In this population research mother having child have age to 1 year and reside in Puskesmas region of Banyudono of Sub-Province Boyolali 2005 counted 491 baby. Technics sample intake of taken is Technique of intake sample by cluster is random from other side summed uply 100 responder. Method collecting data at research by kuesioner. Analysis technique used by linear double is regresi. Result of research show: (1) Storey; Level of mother education have the positive influence to equipment the base immunize, meaning that progressively goodness mount the mother education will have an effect on improve to the equipment the base immunize at baby, (2). House distance to Puskesamas don't have the influence to equipment the base immunize, (3). Mother knowledge the influence positive have to equipment the base immunize, meaning that progressively goodness mother knowledge will have an effect on to improve the equipment the base immunize at baby, (4) mother Motivation have the influence positip equipment the base immunize. meaning that progressively goodness motivate the mother will have an effect on to improve the equipment the base immunize at baby. Referring to this research result is suggested that : (1) Education require mother to be improved. Cause more and more high of education more and more big of baby possibility will be immunized completely. Make-Up of education can be done formally and also non-formal, (2) Effort of make-up of mother knowledge and motivate the mother will very useful, cause can improve the equipment immunize the babyen_US

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