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dc.contributor.authorIsroin, Laily
dc.contributor.authorRosjidi, Cholik Harun
dc.identifier.citationAustralian Institute of Health and Welfare, Chronic kidney disease in Australia 2005, AIHW Cat No PHE 68, Canberra, 2005. Brunner & Suddarth. (2006). Buku Ajar Keperawatan Medikal Bedah. Edisi 8 Volume 2. Jakarta: EGC Depkes RI, Pedoman peraturan dan peredaran makanan suplemen, Jakarta,1996. National Kodney Foundation (2013), Calculator for health care professionals. Diunduh dari http://www.kidney-org/professionals/gfr_calculator_cfm Pichainarong N, Chaveepoinkamjorn W, Khobjit P, Veerachai V, Sujirarat D, Energy drinks consumption in male construction workers, Chonburi Province, J Med Assoc Thai, 2004;87(12):1454-8 Price & Wilson (2006) Patofisiologi. Konsep klinis proses-proses penyakit. Penerjemah dr. Brahm U. Pendit. Jakarta.EGC Safety Food Committee. Opinion on caffeine,taurin and d glucorono – ã- lactone as constituents of so called energy drinks (expressed on 21 January 1999), 1999. Santoso D,Sp.D,K-GH,Ph.D.(2009). 60 Menit Menuju Ginjal Sehat. Jaring Pena . Surabaya YGDI (2012).Buletin informasi kesehatan ginjal. Edisi Juni-Juli 2012 YGDI (2013) Buletin informasi kesehatan ginjal Edisi Januari – Pebruari 2013 Anonim(2011).Minum Jamu bisa sebabkan kerusakan ginjal. www.suaramedia.comen_US
dc.description.abstractThe chronic kidney failure is a silent killer disease. The number of the sufferers of this disease reaches more than 70.000. WHO’s research (1999) predicted that Indonesia have been reaching 414% in 1995-2025. The purpose of this public service is to prevent the chronic kidney failure early and to increase the awareness of healthy kidney for the members of Islamic learning group of ahad pagi. The early detection method of kidney function has some steps such as screening of chronic disease of kidney failure risk, checking blood pressure and blood sugar, kidney function, heart, counseling, guiding and leaflet. Most of members were 45-64 years old (54.72%). There were 5 members (11.90%) on the second stage (9.53%) and third stage (2.53%). They didn’t have any complaint but had high risk to suffer from kidney failure. The screening result of this chronic disease was 21.43% not suffering from the chronic disease and 33 members (78.57%) suffering from the disease. The high risk factor causing kidney failure was diabetes mellitus (33.33%). The members of Islamic learning group of ahad pagi needed reachable public health service and media to get health information effectively and efficiently in order to increase the awareness of early detection towards chronic kidney failure and to keep in mind that preventing is better than giving treatment.en_US
dc.publisherLPPM UMSen_US
dc.subjectdeteksi dinien_US
dc.subjectkelompok pengajianen_US
dc.subjectgagal ginjal kroniken_US
dc.titleKelompok Pengajian Ahad Pagi “Al Manar” Deteksi Dini Penyakit Gagal Ginjal Kroniken_US

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