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dc.contributor.authorPriyono, Priyono
dc.contributor.authorArrozaq, Miftakhul
dc.contributor.authorSaputra, Aditya
dc.identifier.citationAlihe-Ausaid. 2010. Pembelajaran aktif di perguruan tinggi ( ALIHE) – Paket TOT Nasional Decentralized Basic Education 2 – USAID Anonim. 2002. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Tentang Sistem Nasional Penelitian, Pengembangan, dan Penerapan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi. Arief S. Sadiman, dkk. (1986). Seri Pustaka Teknologi Pendidikan No.6 Media Pendidikan. Pengertian, Pengembangan, dan Pemanfaatannya. Jakarta : CV Rajawali Criticos. 1996. Media Selection. Plomp. T., & Ely, D. P. (Eds). International Encyclopedia of Educational Technology, 2nd edition. New York. Elsevier Science, Inc. Daryanto, 2011. Media Pembalajaran. Satu Nusa press. Heinich, Molenda, Russel, dan Smaldino. 2005. Instructional Technology and Media for Learning 8th edition. New Jersey. Pearson Merril Prentice Hall. Ibrahim, Sihkabuden, Suprijanta, dan Kustiawan. 2001. Media Pembelajaran: Bahan Sajian Program Pendidikan Akta Mengajar. FIP. UM. Rosenberg. 2001. E-Learning: Strategies for Delivering Knowledge in The Digital Age. McGraw – Hill Professional Companies Satyasa. 2007. Landasan Konseptual Media Pembelajaran. Workshop Media Pembelajaran bagi Guru-Guru SMA Negeri Banjar Angkan Klungkung. Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. Bali Supanda. 2012. Pemanfaatan CamStudio 2.0 Sebagai Alat Bantu Belajar (Video Tutorial) dalam Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran Guru di SMA Negeri 1 Sumbawa Besar. http:// / 2008 / 02/12 / panduan- pengembanganmultimedia pembelajaran /. 3 Desember 2012. Supriatna. 2009. Pengenalan Media Pembelajaran. Pusat Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Pendidikan dan Tenaga Kependidikan Taman Kanak Kanak dan Pendidikan Luar Biasa. Jakarta. Surya. 2006. Potensi Teknologi dan Komunikasi Dalam Peningkatan Mutu Pembelajaran di Kelas. Pustekom Depdiknas. Jakarta Vanda. 2008. Pemanfaatan Teknologi Dalam Pendidikan. (22 Juni 2008) diunduh pada 17 Juni 2012.en_US
dc.description.abstractMedia learning is very important to the success of the learning process, so that its existence today to be a material that can not be separated from the process. The rapid developments in the field of IT major effect on the development of instructional media. However, in general, teachers in Kartasura Muhammadiyah schools from elementary to high school still not mastering such technology. Therefore this training was intended to: (1) give introduction of Cam Studio Adobe Captivate software, (2) give training of Cam Studio software Adobe Captivate, (3) design and develop instructional media. Implementation of the training was held in August, which was attended by 16 teachers and staff of Muhammadiyah Schols of Kartasura, training software of choice is Adobe Captivate which is an application designed to facilitate the creation of interactive demonstrations and simulations in a variety of formats flash and exe. Instructor Training provide a general overview of the stages of the introduction of software until the end result will be obtained. Participants will immediately be able to apply what has been given samples or simulated by the instructor. The results obtained from the training of video creation with Adobe Captivate are: (1) Training Participants had to make a video using the Adobe Captivate, (2) Participants can apply the result to design media based on their field of study, (3 ) increasing teachers’ skills in recognizing cam recording with adobe Captivate software studies.en_US
dc.publisherLPPM UMSen_US
dc.subjectmedia pembelajaranen_US
dc.titlePelatihan Software Cam Studio Untuk Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Bagi Guru Sekolah Muhammadiyah Di Wilayah Kartasuraen_US

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