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dc.contributor.authorZamzami, Faiz
dc.identifier.citationBasalamah, Anies S. Auditing PDE dengan standar IAI, Depok : Usaha Kami. 2010 Cronholm, S., & Goldkuhl, G. (2003). Strategies for Information Systems Evaluation- Six Generic Types. Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation. Vol. 6 Iss: 2, pp.65 – 74 Mulyadi. 2002. Auditing. Edisi Ke Enam, PT. Salemba Empat Patria, Jakarta. Webber, Ron. 1999. “Information System Control an d Audit”, First Edition,Upper Saddle River, Ne w Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc.en_US
dc.description.abstractElectronic Services Supply (LPSE) has managed to create an electronic audit application system of goods and services or known as e-audit system of goods and services Procurement, which is a development of e-audit application. The s supply e-audit application system has been conducted since 2009 in cooperation with BPKP. This e-audit application is employed by auditors as Computer Assisted Audit Technique integrated with LPSE site. As a result, the audit of the procurement tender by means of LPSE will be much easier. This research aims at evaluating the shortcomings of internal control in the supply e-audit application system and giving an insight about the development of that application system. The methods employed in this research are literature review, field observation, interview, documents analysis, and supply e-audit application system test. The results show that there are shortcomings and insight in the input, process and output of controls to the e- procurement audit system.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.titleEvaluasi Sistem Aplikasi E-Audit Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa di Sektor Pemerintahen_US

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