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dc.contributor.authorTri Cahyono, Yuli
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dc.description.abstractStock is an alternative investment which liquid, because it was very easy to sale and buy transaction on security market. High and low of stock price will be increase or decrease value of the firm. Thus very important to calculate bid-ask spread of stock before management making decision on stock investment. Bid-ask spread measurement based on different between ceiling price of stock which traders egree for buy and lowest price which they agree for sale. Objective of the research is to find empiricaly evidence of the impact between stock trade volume and stock return to bid ask spread. Regression model analysis was applied to examine variables which used in the research. Result of the research indicate that: (1) stock trade volume has negatively impact to bid ask spread, (2) stock return has negatively impact to bid ask spread.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectstock trade volumeen_US
dc.subjectstock returnen_US
dc.subjectbid-ask spreaden_US
dc.titleVolume Perdagangan dan Return Saham dalam Hubungannya dengan Bid-Ask Spread pada Perusahaan Go Publicen_US

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